Can't wake up

What is wrong with me…waking up is so difficult…I’ve slept 11 hours today…every time I tried to wake up before I felt deeply exhausted and sleepy. And then I’d get sucked into these very vivid dreams that last ages. This is horrible because I have two finals coming up and I am sleeping the days away because I literally can’t keep my eyes open.

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I feel like sleeping beauty or something, I keep getting sucked into these dreams, it’s like I’m trying to pull out of the dream world but can’t and it’s scaring me

I keep sleeping all night and Snoozing until like 5pm, and I’m still tired now ! All this sleeeping is giving me a headache !

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Did you have any luck on geting retested for narcolepsy?

Maybe you need the sleep?


I sleep a lot too, it is just the medication.

No, insurance wants me to pay for some of it now and it’s too expensive. I have to make another appt with the doctor to figure out a plan B.

I think I do need it. Because I think when I get to sleep my natural schedule, stay up until early morning, sleep in until later afternoon, my symptoms become almost nonexistent. No depression or psychosis. And I am technically on no medication right now.

It really makes me wonder if all my symptoms tie into a sleep disorder and I don’t actually have separate mental illness at all. I mean my worst psychotic episode ever was when I was chronically sleep deprived in Highschool because of the crack of dawn start time for school. Once I got into college and could make my classes start later my episodes became far more mild…and I haven’t even had a psychotic episode in practically 2 years now. (The episodes I did have in college were during the summer, where I was forced once again to take early morning classes…I always thought the episodes were triggered by too much unstructured time but maybe that was it all along…)

Unfortunately my current life does not allow me to live nocturnally and my grades really suffer from it.

In fact I think the depression may be linked to when I get enough hours of sleep, but am sleeping at unnatural times for me (ie earlier night-morning, normal people sleeping hours) and so feel strongly exhausted and unrested during the day and the psychosis is linked to sleep deprivation.

They say that people with sz have a ■■■■■■ up sleep rhythm thingy.

I brought myself a cheap light wake up alarm clock last week, not that it’s made any difference.

Atm I just have to set a dozen alarms to wake me up…

But the issue is that where for other people light seems to wake them up, it puts me to sleep!! When the sun begins to rise is when I get sleepy.

■■■■■■ up circadian rhythm.

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Hate when that happens as I don’t wake up fully till late in the evening and struggle to get to sleep. Not sure of an answer other then get your sleep hygiene sorted. Sleep hygiene’s all the latest science and phycology on getting a good night sleep. lots on the net on it.

That was all the first stuff I tried unfortunately.

Don’t know what to tell you. I had this problem when I was in DC and it may have been what costed me my job. I just remember always being sleepy. I would try to sleep for 9 hours and I would wake up at like 3 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Then I would be extremely sleepy at work. Got better when I moved back home. Hope you work out what it is. Your problem seems a little different in that my solution was to go to bed sooner and give myself 1-2 hours of extra sleep. Hope you work this out seems like a big problem for you. Have you tried caffeine? Wake up in the morning with a fresh cup of coffee.


Have you tried Melatonin?

I sleep almost 10 hours every night. Any less and I can barely open my eyes or function. I have to drink coffee every day when I wake up, coffee helps me so much. It’s wonderful, takes most of the grogginess away

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Yes, I have tried all kinds of natural remedies, prescription remedies, made sure my sleep hygiene was perfect etc. If it is supposed to improve sleep quality I have tried it. Nothing works.

Either my circadian rhythm circuitry is all messed up or otherwise my brain just doesn’t sleep properly and I don’t know why. And the sleep study I had told me nothing.

I have failed classes solely because I could not stay awake during them or after to study.

I had severe insomnia. Quetiapine and routines made my life easier. I go to bed and wake up the same time every day.