I cant remember faces/people’s appearance. Today i was supposed to go to lab and meet the group i worked with last time. I walked into the room, couldnt figure out which group was mine (just two girls) and literally ran out. This problem causes me a great deal of anxiety. I know i dont have full facial agnosia, i think it is just a memory deficit. Does anyone else experience this or have any advice on how to overcome the problem?
I experience this with names. Once I was asked by a manager to request something from this lady so I gave her a call but she was behind me lol. But I was new. It takes a while to become familiar with ppl
My score was 39%…a score of 60 or below may indicate face blindness…the average is around 80%…
So I wonder if anyone else will take this test? Is this a part of sz/sza or something different…
My score was 54% with the first try but has improved considerably with repeated attempts,
I know my elder sister has problems with it too. (not nearly as severe as mine, but ) and some people are naturally better than others. but I need to research whether this is assoicated with sz/sza
That was a very interesting test. I scored 74%, Average is 80%. For an MI, I think I did fairly well.
So do you think it is part of MI that I do so badly?? I can’t recall hearing about it in sz/sza symptoms but I feel like it is related
Oh, I’m sure it’s relevant. MI has to do with ability to relate to others and if that ability is damaged, we will not remember people well, especially strangers, and then, just pictures of strangers.
I tried it and stopped. How many questions are there like 200. Also some of it isn’t identifying faces but memorizing faces. Stopped because even though I felt like I aced the first part I botched the 2 and 3 part. My memory is bad. Where do you find all these test though? Everybody’s google skills seem better than mine.
I thought the test was accurate, at first it is easy memorization then it goes to recongition
I think there was a name for this condition. Prosopagnosia?
Yeah. I have problems recognizing people. I could be talking to them and if we get separated I wouldn’t recognize them.
Yes, it often leads to embarrassing problems for me.
I once asked a woman to dance at a club, she slapped me in the face, apparently we dated for a few months and I did not remember, I’m pretty good if they are in the place I know them, but if they are outside say a work place I might not be able to place where I know them from.
If you have real prosopagnosia you dont “see” faces at all and cant even recognize yourself or your family. I think my problem has to do with memory deficits with my sza but i am also wondering if there is a more specific problem with faces that people sz/sza have. I know for example studies show that we have problems identifying emotion with faces. So maybe this is something related?
http://www.faceblind.org.uk/types/ mentions ‘degrees’ of prosopagnosia.
Right , thats the point im making wondering if sz/sza is related to some “incomplete” level of prosopagnosia
Mentions something called autoprosopagnosia
inability to recognise oneself in a mirror
I am not saying this is the case with you but obviously there are people with schizophrenia with severe prosopagnosia.