I just can’t do it… I couldn’t do my old job either… my old job I would have thoughts bout people, over ate, and would get jumbled up thoughts… here it’s like I can’t reach the thought I need or my thoughts are so jumbled that I can’t think for myself. I would just pause… nothing I did would help even after I got use to the job I just couldn’t do it.
I would also have “inappropriate behavior” at my old job such as being to happy, singing, dancing and such
I am sorry you are struggling with your new job. I am managing at school but my first psychotic break I went dancing down the street so I know the feeling of having out of place behavior. Do you get Social Security or anything? Can you support yourself without your job?
I had the same delusions of reference. It seems that is why they prescribed antipsychotic meds to me. My delusions are history now,
I live with mom and don’t plan to move or anything.
Oh, well, that’s good. At least you don’t have to worry about bills. That’s good.
I’m sorry that you are going through such a rough time right now @Twialine.
Feel better soon!
Thanks @Wave … the thing is idk if I will be able to work again… mom is talking bout disability and I said let’s try for it.
Going on Disability is not the worse thing in the world.
I collect disability and it has been a life saver for me.
It doesn’t mean that you will never work again.
That’s what my mom says.
Sorry you are having such tough time on the job, @Twialine. Sounds like disability might really help you at this point in the game. I am on disability and it has really helped me because I cannot work either. And like @Wave said, it doesn’t mean you’ll never work again. Some people manage to go back to work eventually. Best wishes.
I’ve been overwhelmed at a few jobs too. If it wasn’t for the med’s I could work outside digging ditches. That’s about the only kind of job I’m good at. I wouldn’t mind it, either. I like that kind of work.
I kept my first job for 8 years… started to lose it… didn’t know what was wrong but didn’t get help… every job after I lasted about a year to 2 years but id have a break down and lose it… wasn’t until this last job and break down I got help should have done it years ago… didn’t mind the work but other people is hell… even if their not actually doing anything wrong my mind would make things up and this racing thought would bud into full on sz mess… good luck with the disability… it has been a pain so far… maybe your state is a little nicer to the mentally ill though… mine treats us like crap…
I am on SSDI and it has been a life saver for me too. I was utterly penniless. Lost everything I had and my car was repo’d. Hit bottom and my Dad took me in and told me to apply for disability. I am glad I did and I am glad I was approved. If you can’t work, then you can’t work. I think you should apply like your mom says.
Okay. Thank you.
Best not to work a job that’s bad for you. Our health is more important.
I truly understand you. I failed almost all jobs I had… It sucks, doesn’t it?
I can’t even do my studies properly.
Well, hope the best for you!
I do not think we should work in an environment where you have to think on your feet. I for one cannot do it because of cognitive impairment. My brain clogs up when the input and output demands is too much.
If I remember correctly you were going to do tele-calls or something similar. I won’t be able to do it cause you have to be witty and sharp all the time. My brain will freeze over after the first sentence.
Don’t be hard on yourself. Look for something that is not so demanding.
Before my diagnosis I worked with income statements and manpower controls and fleet management. I had deadlines but most of the time I had enough time to work through it thoroughly. It is easier to work with computers and equipment than with clients or boss’s demanding temprements and needs.
I am sure you will find something that suit you fine real soon. The ideal is something you can do on your own time and target within flexi hours.
I’m exactly the same. I had a customer service role and that meant dealing with the general public. I found it be a complete disaster, tbh.