and how they are founded?
are they purely out of no-where?
or do you hear them come across as mumbles interpreted by you to sound like other things?
me personally, I never had ‘voices’ when I was diagnosed, I started noticing I could hear mumbles of the tv/radio after two years of being sedated by the anti-psychotics, understandably!
the only problem with me was being a little confused about life, I think I would’ve overcome that myself anyway, if left alone.
once your are told there is something wrong with you, you start to believe that…
i’m not saying there is nothing different about me, I am unique, I am a naturally shy and sensitive person, which is endearing but there is nothing wrong with that.
i’m not living with these fake doctors telling me they ‘know’ stuff, which they made up for to fund the billion pound insurance companies and the partners in this wide spread crime against humanity,
how come there is no scientific evidence that there is a chemical imbalance that can affect your brain in the history books, it’s fabricated that the ‘made up’ science of psychiatry actually does something worth getting paid for, lol they sit on there over paid asses, pretending they know what they are talking about, and as generations into generations actually begin to believe this ■■■■, it’s going to become so covered up, that no-one will be able to tell the difference in the truth lol because most of us will be so medicated that we don’t have a voice.
I got diagnosed schizophrenic for what exactly, for what exactly, FOR WHAT EXACTLY!
or should I be asking for whom!.
anyway, my personal revelation… about how I’ve been lied to for seven years of my beautiful life has come to a fantastic conclusion.
as I asked this on the head of this note,
‘can you please explain to me exactly what your ’ voices’ say?’ I do ask and repeat,
could it be normal situations that seem over exaggerated?, and if so is there any of you out there who have it in your hearts to break the chain. because if you don’t wise up, you will be made a fool of, and believe me a VERY big one.
I actually can’t wait to see my psychiatrist again, because she’s going to get a rude awakening, i’ll be asking her questions instead! and I want some answers this time… it’s going to be hilarious to see her reaction, to be caught out on the game.
something along the lines of,
’ where is the evidence to prove there is a chemical imbalance in my brain’
’ when my doctor classified me as schizophrenic was it evidence based, or could it be a reaction to the drugs I was given in hospital’
’ because all I remember of the day I was brought into hospital was that I had just broken up with my boyfriend and was a bit upset’
‘prove me wrong’
‘prove to me there is not loopholes in the system, relating to the fact that everything that was discussed was brought forward my a vulnerable teenager, trying to find out why this world is the way it is, and was latched onto and exaggerated by psychiatrists, who don’t get paid if they are not doing something, so they keep changing the medication, which has NO proof it works on the brain in the way it states… and
’why do you ask me to validate your paycheque, what exactly is your job because I looked up on the job stats websites, doesn’t amount to much except the high wage for lying for a job’
the list goes on, I will perfect my research, but yeah, my eyes are open.
- I can’t wait to listen to the nonsense again, and prove it wrong this time…
even more, maybe i’ll just play her game for a while, lol see how far she’ll go, oh this will be funny,
- yeah I know most of you have become to far trapped in the lie, don’t shoot the messenger, If you wanna believe your crazy when your not, it’s up to you…