WHAT?! that sounds insane. I guess I just don’t live in a part of the country where they are? Would you say that the alt-right is bigger than groups like antifa and stuff like that? I kept thinking they were a group that was hounded by the fbi into obscurity.
I don’t think that is likely to happen as long as we don’t have a severe depression, or some catastrophe like that. Hitler could not have come to power without there being a severe depression in Germany. Then again, I didn’t think Donald Trump could be elected president.
I think that people learn to hate. Nobody is born just hating someone else because of their skin color, gender, sexual orientation, or whatever. Those are learned traits. I think a lot of it comes from desperation. Lower class white people get very marginalized in society, and from their point of view, they see minorities getting special treatment. That’s not what’s really happening, but it’s what they see. Then, some hateful person with an agenda tells them that the reason they’re marginalized is because the minorities are taking away all their power. It keeps the lower classes fighting among themselves, so they don’t stop and think about why the ones in power aren’t doing anything to help them.
I do think Trump’s presidency has made a lot of hate groups feel they have more power. And his decision to not condemn those hate groups also gives them more power.
I think it is political because people have told him that those people got him elected. Anyways earlier I was just talking about what people I know where saying about it. I think letting the normal legal process deal with it is best.
There is a story about the first jury. Where there were two families that were cursed to kill each other. This continued until the gods created a jury of their peers which judged the latest killer innocent as he had no control of his actions. This broke the curse. It is a greek story I think. Anyway I probably butchered the story but basically you can’t really fight hate with more hate. Don’t know if that made sense.
I understand that it’s a political move for him. But it’s a political move of openly embracing support from active nazis. By refusing to condemn them, the groups are interpreting it as a big thumbs up from the president.
You can be white and german and not be a hateful piece of trash. Being white doesn’t make you a bad person.
That’s what makes me mad about these neonazis and kkk. They think they are a victim because they are white? Well there are more white people around than other’s so if they can win more awards at the movies than they can get more hate right? I hope that makes it sound ridiculous now, because it is. If you’re white, black, latino, asian, middle eastern, or any member of a native tribe to your respective land it doesn’t mean you’re a victim. It doesn’t mean you’re superior because you have some Napoleon complex based on your race. You’re all equally dumb if you run people over. I hope this guy gets the maximum prison time.
I don’t know much about the situation but I have a gut feeling that he will. The left powers that be will want to make an example of him. Usually the right powers won’t stand by someone like this(I say usually but I never know what the president will do).
When you have certain groups being allowed into certain jobs and schools with lower grades than others based soley on their skin colour, that’s special treatment. It could also be called a different sort of racism. I prefer that we give positions to those best able to do the jobs. Ability first, race and gender second. If that makes me a bigot, oh well.
All I’m saying on the topic. Putting this thread on ignore as I’m too tired to argue this weekend. @#$%ing Haldol. Blech.
Again, and I can’t stress this enough, this is NOT about left vs right. The right are not violent nazis. They are people who believe in a small government. This is about hate vs love.
I don’t know what party the judge who will trial his case is on, but most politicians and judges are republican and mostly have been historically. And it sickens me that the president doesn’t condem the nazis. Instead he says “there was violence on both sides”. But nobody got killed until this white supremacist started running people over! These people say that minorities are violent but clearly that’s bull ■■■■!
Have people died other than the one that got ran over by that one guy? Also isn’t virgina a blue state? Although dems are usually in the big cities so I don’t know.
Well yes the second part was on trying to predict the outcome of court case. Just because I felt at the time that a left leaning judge would be harder on him. On second thought I think both sides will be.
The first part was me curious if there were more than I have heard of.
I do not see myself as a victim, never will.
Not the point I was trying to say.
Never mind I am out of this topic, I know I am a good person that was never in question.
Having grandparents and great grandparents that was in the Nazi party and in the SS and seeing the effect that time had on them, there is a cultural shame the whole country and people carry, myself included and I was born years after.
These wannbie Nazis have no idea what they are going or the path it could take us.
The sins will mark us and children form genations to come is true.
These “people” seem completely willing to in act that with fear and hate that will mark them and us for years.
Is driven by fear, hate and complete stupidly fear of the “other” driven by leaders lust for personal riches and power.
Given Trump is seen as a person that will give in to what they want it just in powers them to more and greater acts this is just the start it will get worse.
All of this is not a left vs right, that’s bs is a exucse use to justify it.
That was to give the people who were given the worst of society a chance to make it up to their level. It wasn’t racism, it was about creating an equal opportunity for the then, and future, society.
I do however think there should be something done for poor white people’s education after high school. All the minorities get college funds from charities but poor white people get nothing like that. But they aren’t shut out of things like minorities were. I think there should be charities for all races and not just some if you’re black or some if you’re latino ect. It should be based on how much money you make vs expenses in your area, college, and so on. And if you fall below a certain level then you can receive college funds. We have one like that already called the pell grant, but you can only get it if you’re 24 and don’t have a bachelor’s degree. There needs to be more like that without those last two restrictions.
You know they have college grants for people who make over $150,000 a year?
Well, I have to go to bed, and I have a feeling this thread will explode if it’s left alone overnight. I will reopen it in the morning if everyone behaves themselves.