Educational information about the Polish people

@anon4362788 I appreciated it. I grew up with those jokes all scattered in my television “brainwashing” as I think of it now and I actually often wondered why the Polish people were considered low intelligence. I wondered if there was an incidence or what.

Anyway, it saddens me to learn of yet more victims of Hitler’s and am glad you don’t hear too much of it anymore. Well actually I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch tv or movies anymore. I hope it still isn’t going on.

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To me, it’s not much different than making a joke about Jewish people, and that would definitely not be tolerated here.

I’m glad it enlightened you, but please don’t make spin off threads. Especially over such a touchy subject.

We have members that are hurt by bigotry, prejudice, and racism. Let’s not continue to make a place where people can come back and claim things are “just a joke” at the expense of vulnerable people.