Can we stop/reduce mass shootings?

  • We can reduce it, but not stop it completely.
  • We can stop it completely.
  • We can’t reduce it.

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There was one at a mall close to me. I used to go to that mall all the time when i was a teenager. Scary stuff

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My therapist says it’s not in my control.

I will be voting in November though.

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There was a mass stabbing in Canada recently. Same difference.

We have too many guns in the US
Too many loose restrictions

Also automatic weapons should be banned


We’d have to spend money on mental health resources and also money to warehouse the nutters who do this stuff. My own government doesn’t seem so inclined.

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I agree with @Wave we should at least ban automatic weapons


I hear the latest from the NRA is to open ranges in mental wards to give the patients their right to maintain a good aim while indisposed. Jk :smiling_face:

I think there are good chances in most countries. But in the US it’s way too easy to get firearms, and too many people in high places reluctant to change anything that restricts the gunlaw.

It’s not nutters most of the time I think. Sure mental health issues can make you do crazy stuff but evil people still do exist. IMO a mass shooting is not really a mental health issue it’s a moral issue although sometimes the ppl have undiagnosed mental health issues combined yea. Anyways not trying to argue just my opinion.


Most of the time its a lack of information and knowledge.

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Different flavour of nuts than us. Cognitive issues with many as well.

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Please try not to get into debating gun laws. It’s a political topic and in the original rough draft of rules it was specifically called out as a banned topic. Even though it was not specified in final draft, pretty sure they are still not allowed to be debated because its so political.

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