Sometimes i feel really weird. Not myself. I feel lightheaded, maybe a little dizzy. I dont worry as much in such state, feels a bit relaxing. It feels like im high on something. I usually get this at night when there is a light turned on for some time. Dont know if its related. If it doesnt last long and im at home and listening to music i sometimes actually enjoy this state, but it does feel weird.
I doesnt happen too often. And i said mostly at night time, when there is a light turned on for some time. What is this?
When I was young I used to say that I don’t need to do drugs because I see things as if they’re magnified and shining… Ultra clear and bright. Kind of like I would hear people talk about how things look when they’re stoned. It’s only recently that I heard that’s a sz trait. Otherwise, I’m often distracted, and if the voices and static are loud, I need quiet and may seem “off”. I’ve never actually been high though.
sometimes when i’m manic it’s not a high feeling but a happy feelings. I feel like I can do anything but I can’t sleep then pretty soon those happy feelings turn into aggravation. I don’t know what’s its like to be high.
When I began taking seroquel it felt like a “high”. I felt floaty, mellow, content, kind of vague and confused, but not unhappy.
Now… the stuff hardly seems to work at all… and I am extremely vague and confused, and rarely content… still trying to find a pdoc to fix the scripts from last May.