Can sz make you feel like you are high on something?

Sometimes i feel really weird. Not myself. I feel lightheaded, maybe a little dizzy. I dont worry as much in such state, feels a bit relaxing. It feels like im high on something. I usually get this at night when there is a light turned on for some time. Dont know if its related. If it doesnt last long and im at home and listening to music i sometimes actually enjoy this state, but it does feel weird.

I doesnt happen too often. And i said mostly at night time, when there is a light turned on for some time. What is this?

It’s the dopamine, man! Good stuff

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It really feels like im high

It’s probably dopamine overload…

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Can this be from sz? Too much coffee?

When I was young I used to say that I don’t need to do drugs because I see things as if they’re magnified and shining… Ultra clear and bright. Kind of like I would hear people talk about how things look when they’re stoned. It’s only recently that I heard that’s a sz trait. Otherwise, I’m often distracted, and if the voices and static are loud, I need quiet and may seem “off”. I’ve never actually been high though.


I’ve compared some symptoms to LSD and Psilocybin mushrooms.

My friends always joke that I don’t need drugs because I’m high on life. I recently got prescribed some pain meds, and not even my fiancé could tell I was high until I told him.

As long as you stay on your med’s it’s probably okay. If it gets too strong you might want to consult a pdoc about it.

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At times I feel as if I’m tripping on Mescaline.

It doesn’t happen all of the time but it happens pretty often, especially when I’m anxious.


My Sz doesnt make me feel high so much as it makes others question if I’m high or not?

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sometimes when i’m manic it’s not a high feeling but a happy feelings. I feel like I can do anything but I can’t sleep then pretty soon those happy feelings turn into aggravation. I don’t know what’s its like to be high.

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I used to joke with my family that I take meds in order NOT to be high.

But Yes… for me… a manic hit… is a great high… until it goes too far then I’m starting to loose it.

The distortions… the hallucinations… it can feel pretty disconnected from reality… logic… self…

Then there is the other side… the negative swing when I’m so numb… so flat and empty…
no drug I’ve ever tried felt that empty.

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Could be dopamine, but it could be anxiety also. Feeling good now, no high :sunglasses:

When I began taking seroquel it felt like a “high”. I felt floaty, mellow, content, kind of vague and confused, but not unhappy.

Now… the stuff hardly seems to work at all… and I am extremely vague and confused, and rarely content… still trying to find a pdoc to fix the scripts from last May.