Feeling “high” when psychosis happens?

Does anyone else experience this? I can always tell when I’m right about to have a break because I feel incredibly high and not in a fun way. I don’t know how else to describe it. That time is always around when I’ll start hearing voices and getting paranoid.

No, my psychosis isn’t drug induced. Been like this since I was a kid.


Its exactly the same for me, my breakthrough symptoms happen when im feeling elevated.

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To add to this. Just a few weeks ago, i was hallucinating my phone was being hacked and it was only because i felt elevated after meeting someone new. So it definitely isnt a coincidence for me

No, like, I feel drugged kind of high. Not elevated. Sorry, should have been more specific.

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Yes. This is true for me, too. Not just elevated, but “high.”

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Oh, thats odd. Have you ever taken drugs? The high im referring to is, like you say, an excitment. My mistake too.

Nope. Again, I’ve been like this since I was six.

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Thats different. Ive not experienced drug highs without drugs itself. Maybe your opioid receptors are tripping naturally? :open_mouth:

Just to chime in again in response to Applekid. I have had morphine and other drugs for medical related reasons. The high that I experience when I’m losing grip is far different than that, far more high feeling.


I feel unwanted levels of energy and restlessness agitation and anxiety.
Not sure if that’s a high.


It might combine into a high feeling for me. My psychosis is also very uncanny, so I’m sure this doesn’t help.

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YES! This exactly.

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When I get psychotic I experience a “brightening” of the world. Edges are sharper, colors incredibly more vivid, and it feels like the whole world becomes really vibrant. My mind feels extra perception everywhere.


This exactly as well. So glad I’m not alone.

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Yup. Same. 15151

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There have been a couple of times when I was on the verge of a break, and I was experiencing a happy high. It felt good. Those feelings are a danger signal to me now.

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I feel nervous excitement. Agitated. I won’t call it high. But don’t know what else to call that state either.


Mania or manic. That’s what it’s called.


During psychosis the world looks like a playground. Before that I feel like no one can stop me from not letting me believe in my delusions. That drives me to do erratic things like overspending and engaging in risky activities and be completely irrational.


I can not imagine what manic / mania feels like. That’s a bipolar high right? I guess its different for everyone.