Please help I’ve been having trouble sleeping at night I can’t stop hearing screams. And it seems to show a pattern when the people in my life raise their voice at me, the screams are triggered or something. I would really appreciate some advice. I am new to this forum by the way. Thanx
why aren’t you sleeping now?
I wish I had some great advice. As far as I know, the best thing for auditory hallucinations is medication. Maybe try listening to music or binaural beats for relaxation or perhaps journaling.
I can’t fall asleep I keep hearing screaming voices and it hurts me to think someone is suffering
And now I’m wide awake telling myself over and over it’s not real
If I listen to music it’s going to keep me up longer ugh and I have to see my therapist at 9:00 in the morning. I’m just making excuses. I wish it was easy to just close your eyes and relax and fall asleep. I tried taking a shower and mediation nothing is working. Thanx for your concern everyone
I would have insomnia if it weren’t for my medication. I just took it so I should be getting sleepy in about 30 minutes. I hope you feel better soon and can get some rest. Sleep is important.
Thank you. I’m supposed to take depakote and zyprexa every night but they’ve been giving me bad side effects. So stupid that I’m not taking them for two days now. Probably what triggered this BS to begin with
Oh wow. be very careful about messing with your meds without Dr. approval. I know the side effects can suck but they obviously help with hallucinations. I hear you though. I have experienced some side effects so bad that just being crazy is almost preferable. It sucks sometimes. I am lucky my meds are OK at the moment.
Yea I really need to take them at the same time everyday. Im going to fix that tomorrow. They give me horrible muscle spasms that are really painful, they make me nauseous, they make me drained and zombie like and I feel like a million bucks when I’m off em for a day. Then by day/night 2 (right now) I start feeling psychotic again
Ya, that’s the sad trade off. I hate how I feel on meds but I am super scared of psychosis. Last episode (a year ago) was a suicide attempt. Totally lost it. Don’t need that again.
I’m so sorry to hear that I’m glad you’re here today
Amen! It was really bad. I wasn’t even depressed. Just psycho. Thought I would die and come back. I’m glad I am here too. Thank you.
Of course anytime