Masturbation increases dopamine so anything’s possible.
Yeah any thing to do with sex even looking at woman gets me in trouble by these voices and the meds dont to ■■■■
The voices punish me with more delusions if I have any thing to do with sex
lol with me the voice wanted me to masturbate loads because he was a very horny guy living in another country whom could not get relief until I masturbated cos we were connected.
he wanted me to come to America where he lives and be his partner, more like sex slave…since if I didn’t go with that flow, I would go to hell for eternity on my own.
Yeah my voices say iam going to hell forever for smoking
I personally think when we die we just die, no afterlife.
hell or heaven to me is what we make of life on earth.
I mean I still worry abit about hell but it has improved, and will continue to
Everytime I master ate I get problems sometimes
When I start to hear noise from outside of window it disrupts my mood
Then a few seconds later my mood gets better and ever then I starts to realize about reality
Which I have no clue what is reality but it feels good so I refuse it because I don’t want to cause trouble later on in life
yes bummer i have the same
Steven Hawkins said he was an atheist
And he wanted to open the gates of hell when CERN is activated
If you believe in atheism then you must believe hell is real because you just mentioned hell.
I believe hell and heaven exist. But people Ned to be worthy to enter heaven
Yea I meant like a hell ish life or a heavenly one, not after death but only whilst on earth. The state of mind I’m in.
dont to ? i dun get it
Dont do crap 14141r
I’ve never heard of masturbation causing psychosis. Never. I’ve been doing this sz thing for 26 years now and have not heard of this (though I have seen the question raised before, I think on here).
do u mean ur meds not workinh ?
Everyone has different triggers. Some people are very triggered by masturbation and sexual things such as porn. Sex itself actually triggers my psychosis sometimes.
Masturbation itself does not “cause” psychosis, but it can absolutely be a trigger for some people and set off their symptoms.
It depends. Just like running causes heart attacks for those who have heart problems masturbation can cause psychosis who are prone to psychosis. This doesn’t mean running and masturbation itself the reason for these, it just increase the chance for it if you are prone to it.
Masturbation alters dopamine levels, both too much of it and too little of it causes mental issues. Too much dopamine release reduces dopamine receptor density and thus can increase negative symptoms in some and in some excess dopamine release can even cause psychosis.
Hm, I’m not masturbating anymore, I would believe absence of masturbation doesn’t cause mental issues if you’re happy with It that way.
i dun really get it, “absencec of it doesn’t cause mental health issue” , do u mean practice of it cause mental problems?
Yeah 131313131313132
Oh sorry I misunderstood someone elses post so that post I made is irrelevant