Sex releases dopamine. Allegedly. My question is, since scizophrenia is an ilness characterized by the excess dopamine can having sex worsen my condition? Does it worsen yours?
Physcal activity also stimulates release of dopamine but I’m not gonna stop that. Maybe it’s cos with psychosis it’s a chronic very excessive release along with some other chemical changes that don’t occur in sex or excercise but idk its just a guess… I guess somehow its different. I think sex is healthy if not addicted
I used to think it would improve mine because my failure to have it was a big issue with my voices. But I notice a lot of schizophrenics who have had it and are little better off.
I never heard that in 38 years with schizophrenia. Sex tends to relieve stress so that’s one healthy thing about it. I’ve never heard anyone say sex worsens psychosis or read it or met anyone who says that.
It might.
If your dopamine receptors are fried.
I wouldn’t think so, unless there is something pathological about your partner. Judging from some of the reports I’ve been getting about different people’s relationships, you just might end up with a pathological partner. I wouldn’t think it was the sex so much as the relationship itself that would make you sicker.
If you’re taking your medication it blocks the dopamine receptor. It shouldnt cause psychosis. Blocking dopamine can make you asexual like a lot of people here.
Yes indeed it can trigger mania if you have a med induced psychosis and your dopamine receptors are fried
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