Can I have children?

So if Im schizophrenic and I have another sibling who also is it must be in my genes right?
If I have children it is possible I will pass it on to them. Cruel I think. This illness sucks.
Is there anyone who has an opinion on this? Should people like me even hope to have kids i danno

The world is full of little abandoned kids craving for someone’s love and protection…
Just saying…

It’s personal decision after all.

I think children are overrated. A pet is good enough for me. I feel like I would be helping to curve over-population by not having kids.

My brothers both probably have sz (they won’t get diagnosed because they’re afraid of being “in the system”) and I have also asked myself this question. Ultimately, I think I will have kids, because this disease may be hard, but it isn’t so hard I wish my parents never had me. People with sz tend to be more intelligent and creative. And if you know what to look for, you’ll probably catch it in its early stages when it has the highest chance of full recovery.

Maybe I’m just being naive and optimistic, but I think my kids will turn out fine, with proper psychiatric care.

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I agree with cj9556. Kids are worth having if you want them. Just make sure your whole care team is on board as well as your spouse.

It is genetic, but you’ll be prepared. The hard part would be the rearing I suppose, because you’ve got all that stress going on.

I hope to have the marriage and family thing. I wish you the best if you feel that’s your path.

i’m a parent of two children, a girl and a boy aged 18 and 15 respectively. i’ve answered this question many times.

when thinking of having children with your unique set of problems you have to ask yourself many questions and be brutally honest with your answers. children are for life, not till they are 18 and you have to ask yourself if you can cope with many situations before you even think of having a child.
when you give birth to this child you will need to be able to survive on four hours sleep for at least three months. can you handle the piercing cry of a baby for about a YEAR.
are you able to remain stable through your lack of sleep.
can you bathe the baby evey other day at the least, can you do three or four loads of washing every day for the next 18 years,
can you present yourself in a clean manner every day for the next 18 years.
can you handle simple things like going to the supermarket every day, diving a car to take your baby to appointments like drs, dentist, school every day, dance classes, football practice, engaging with other parents when your child makes frends at nursery, school, college,
can you be clean and presentable for all those things.
can you hamdle talking to a two year old non stop from the minute they wake you at 5am till they go to bed at 7pm and that’s provided they haven’t woken in the night for any reason which they frequently do.
can you handle getting physically ill and then mentally ill becase of it when your child brings home colds, flu and stocmach bugs which they frequently do.
what happens if you get sick mentally? who will look afte the child? do you have a strong support network? is your husand a normie? coz if he is and you split up he may go for custody of the child, especially if you’ve had episodes of not being well throughout it’s life.
can you handle losing a child? you have to think of all these things and a million more i haven’t even gone into before you think of having a child.

my best advce to you is to get and 8 week old puppy ad see if you can handle that. if you can then great. if you can;t then dont even think of having a child because you will not be able to cope. i have a chihuahua puppy right now. she is 10 weeks old and peeing and pooing everywhere. i must spend most of my day and night going into the garden and waiting for her to do her business, she eats about ten times a day and when she is not asleep she is chewing everything in sight. this puppy is so small that her bladder and bowels are miniscule and she cannt hold it in all night which means frequent trips to the garden at 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am etcetera so i grab sleep when i can…that is what it’s like having a newborn baby… can you handle that?


Well when you put it that way definitely not. Doesn’t sound fun.

And I hope you’ll cut and paste this same answer every time this question comes up. This is one of the best essays on the topic I have ever read. T.Y.V.M.