Can aps work in a bad way, arent you afraid?

sometimes I am a bit afraid that my Zyprexa will act in the opposite way. that this will turn me in some kind of zombie or it will change my personality. is it possible or its my paranoia? are there some cases like this out there? the most of my normal friends think it secretely I find which sucks… I hope its just not true…

just paranoia. i actually moved out of my house once and went to a hostel so i would be surrounde d by someone who could help, in case my meds turned me into a zombie, i was that paranoid.

paranoias a bitch sometimes xx

hope your ok xx

yeah, I see. I just go out of my confort zone more now and maybe I am more paranoid than before… I am a bit overexcited because I am chating with a guy this evening… he is sick also. I cant do that with the normies still.

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