I feel these voices are. Maybe they are real people
Nope. The research says that our voices are tangled up forms of our thoughts apparently. And that when it’s confused for someone else, it’s more a reactive voice to something that’s happened in the past. Perhaps trauma?
I hope the voices stop for you soon
Thanks @misterapple
Do you think it’s possible though?
Nope. Scientifically, it’s not possible. The reason is because our nervous systems aren’t connected. Think of it this way, there’s no WiFi in our human bodies
no, you are ill thinking…no one can read your thoughts turtle…good luck
that was my most prevalent delusion, i still sometimes hear sounds of like voices reacting to my thoughts that i mistake for real people until i remember. that still gets to me even tho my auditory hallucinations volume has been reduced so low on meds that i dont consider myself to hear voices anymore, but certain sounds are ingrained into my brain to be warped by it at random times
I always say let the unconscious deal with the unconscious.
No, nobody can hear your thoughts.
I thought this for ages
The main problem that my brain turned into having Tourette syndrome and I couldn’t stop the constant slurs
Was worried people would murder me and my brain was trying to achieve that
Thinking about it now I was self destructing and didn’t know how to deal with it
My brain wanted me dead
Humans cannot read each other’s thoughts.
I can hear and listen to my own thoughts.
Some people claim they can guess what other people think.