Can anybody tell me what it's gonna be like coming off invega

So what gonna happen? Will I get sick? Its invega injection. That might be different than coming off pills

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I think someone had problems coming off of Invega injections. Maybe @Newlyborn?

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I can only tell ya about the pills. So last year I thought I was better and about a month after stopping them I felt sensations like pricks all over including my eyes it was horrible. I couldn’t take it anymore and the same day I went back on it all my side effects from stopping them all so fast stopped.

It’s best to taper down to a lower dose with AP meds.

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So since im on 100 mg infection monthly. Should I get a lower dose injection? Next time and the once more even lower? That sounds alright.

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I better ask the pharmacy


100 mg Invega sustennal is equal to taking 6 mgs Invega pills by mouth. thats a very low dose when you consider that the max invegs is 12-15 mgs by mouth.
You really should consider that it very easely can become your hell ride.
The only reason I tell you this is that I went through a personal hell the last 5 weeks where I got my Clopixol depot lowered to 500 mg every 3 weeks from 400 mgs every other week.
The gray psychosis clouds now finally has left and I’m finally apsychotic again.
If you are willing to put up with psychosis for a longer period of time then try lowering with the help of.your health care.provider.
How low can you.go but take care and listen to the signals from your mind.

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No one can tell you what you’ll experience. We’re all different.

I had no problems when I switched from Invega to Aristada and I was on the highest dose of Invega.


I definitely do no want to put up with any psychosis. Seriously. I’m trying to make my brain stronger. Invega is just slowing me down what a stupid drug. It shut down my sexual function. And saturated my brain with medication invega style. I can’t stand it.

I have really bad problems thinking. Its like duh when people talking to me with cognitive crap and squishy medication in my brain.

I have serious problems. Invega was the wrong drug to put me on. Its the wrong drug for anybody I think. Its just people with not too much corruption in their brain think that it’s not a bad drug. They put up with it and think its alright because they are not psychotic.

Lol. I just hate it. I’m totally saturated by it and it just makes me into a gooey puddle crap. Lol

Abilify I hope is just better all around. I hope. I need something better. I’m not sure injection is the answer to my problems. Im pissed off at my old psychiatrist. Do you know what he told me he was going to do? He was going to tell my new psychiatrist that I should never take pills again

Wtf. Is that any way to treat anybody in this existence. Like seriously. What a jerk. And now I know that my new psychiatrist just has that in his mind. What happens if I want to come off Abilify? I’m not going on respiridone injection. No way. Pills would be nice. But because of my old psychiatrist I have this messed up record of non compliance. I had a Messiah complex for god sake. Lol

Give me a break. Ok now I’m rambling. I need a matcha. And my old psychiatrist is a dick. I don’t like him. My life was so screwy and he was my doctor. And he was a jerk

I’m going for matcha. I’ll be on abilify soon. I’m gonna do this right I’m slowing down though and I’m still messed up in many ways. Abilify is gonna save my ass. Then I’m gonna go get a girlfriend and deal with what I got

I’d like to show a lawyer my psychotic letters to my old psychiatrist. Just to see what he says about the help that was never there from my psychiatrist.

He was a Muslim by the way. So was I. Jesus’s psychiatrist. How ridiculous and unhealthy. I bet a lawyer would have something to say.

Ok matcha time. Lol

Abilify sounds to be a good alternative to Invega because that it’s good for psychosis with only few side effects. It seems I misunderstood the conversation because I thought that you would replace the invega with nothing at all.

Yeah. I guess I need an antipsychotic. I’m going with abilify

Garpled I wish you the best on your road to recovery on abilify.

Thanks. I’m doing it soon. Two weeks then somehow my doctor is going to begin the switch. I called the pharmacist and asked what the best way to do this in his opinion is and he wouldn’t give me a straight answer. I guess I have to rely on my psychiatrist. All I know is do it slowly.

I hope that it works for you.

I’m trying it now 10 mg pills so far no tremor or bad reactions. It seems alright. Its just pulling this invega out of me that’s the hard part. It better work. Sheesh. Who thinks that it’s not going to work? Anybody skeptical? Speak up or forever hold your peace. Lol

I came off Invega susstena with no problems, I didn’t reduce or anything. The medication can stay in your system for 6 months, and it gradually wears off. I had no problems switching to a new medication.

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Thanks @Natron that’s good to know

I came off of Invega twice, stopping gradually with risperidone tablets. I relapsed had and spent a month in heavy unit were Invega was reinstated.

Second time i relapsed while on Invega and was put on haloperidol and quetiapine, I am unable to explain the withdrawals as I got put on heavier meds