Can a drug-induced psychosis on a non-sz person come back after meds withdrawal?

Title says it all.

Used to smoke a lot of weed and took hallucinogens once, then became psychotic, got antypsychotics for a month, off meds and psychotic again, diagnosed schizophrenic.

Can the psychosis just be from med withdrawal?

I take 75mg invega sustenna/month now, no symptoms AT ALL except the meds side effects, and smoke weed about 2-4 times a week, used to smoke 4-6 times a day on vacation for months and NOT A SYMPTOM.

Maybe i’m not schizophrenic?

I want so bad to go off meds but my pdoc would hospitalize me if I try.

I used to think I had drug induced psychosis, turns out I don’t. Once I accepted the diagnosis of schizoaffective I was able to have better insight into my illness and notice the symptoms I have lingering.

I don’t think drug induced psychosis comes back but I’m not sure, talk about it with your doctor.

My advice is to calm down and accept your diagnosis, even if it sucks having to take meds for the rest of your life and living with this illness.


Something that is not widely reported any more in the media because growing sympathy and greed towards recreational chemicals is that all psychedelics cause psychosis with normal use. Pot is a mild psychedelic. Certain people are more sensitive to psychedelics than others. The myth that pot is a safe drug, leaves out a ton of research that has proven that pot is not necessarily safe for everyone. The canniboids in pot beside thc can safe, but THC was evolved into the plant to counter pests, it is essentially a pesticide and is found in highest concentrations in the bud of the plant where are all the seeds are kept. THC is actually an intoxicant because of this, it is toxic, even thought brain can deal with a certain level of it in a diet. It is speculated that plants containing THC were more abundant in the past and the of our vegetarian ancestor apes ate them quite a bit, hence the adaption. But it does cause psychotic symptoms in a lot of people that use it, its part of the high, and in some cases causes more serious psychosis, depending on the person and their biology and psychological profile.

There are only variations for the meanings of the following words: Psychosis, Psychedelic, Psyche, Psychic… all are variations of the root word psyche, which means soul in ancient Greek. We are Bio-Chemical-Electric-Psychic beings. All four of these components interplay with each other. Any disease is essentially a psycho-somatic illness, meaning that it is of the “soul\mind” and “body”. It used be that chemicals that altered mind states or mood, where called “spirits”, this is because of the direct effect on consciousness of a being. All chemicals that are not in the body for its use can be intoxicating at certain levels, whether they are some medications or recreational used and can effect consciousness. In the ancient past chemicals used to effect consciousness and the practice in ancient Greece were called Pharmakia, which translated means “sorcery”.

Psychosis can go away, but the DSM IV and later edition have criteria for what is called schizophrenia. Usually the symptoms have to be present of a long period to quallify as chronic or schizophrenic. There too is a dopamine system response when a neuroleptic is removed and not titrated correctly. Essentially, neuroleptic medication (anti-psychotic medication) lowers dopamine levels in the brain, so the brain responds by creating more dopamine recpetors. Depending on how long the medication is in use, a very careful withdrawal or titration from the from the neuroleptic must be done to ensure not having a dompaminic response in the brain which will can seem like a classic psychosis, but is not, instead is the result of too quickly with drawing from neuroleptics and not allowing the brain to cull the dopamine receptors.

Information can be obtained from your doctor or from the Icarus Project on how to correctly withdraw from medication and it only should be done with the help of psychiatrist that is knowledgeable on how to titrate properly (many are not trained correctly in this actually for financial reasons).

Often times a person with psychosis will have deluded idea that they cured by the medication, which is patently false. There are ways to resolve psychosis, but medication does not do this, it essentially “treats” the underlying, much akin to a pain killer for a broken leg, it effect the chemicals involved but does not treat the underlying condition. Often deep psychic therapy is required, or diet, or removal of intoxicants, etc may be needed to resolve the underlying cause of the psychosis.

(The above information comes from various sources. I will provide the citations at request.)

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@Minnii He wouldn’t assume his mistake.

@mister_lister wow, thanks. didn’t knew it was a defence mechanism for cannabis.

Usually the symptoms have to be present of a long period to quallify as chronic or schizophrenic.

For me it was like 1 week, then a month break due to meds,then off meds ,then another 4 days of psychosis, then meds again and no symptom after that.

There too is a dopamine system response when a neuroleptic is removed and not titrated correctly. (…)a very careful withdrawal or titration from the from the neuroleptic must be done to ensure not having a dompaminic response in the brain which will can seem like a classic psychosis, but is not, instead is the result of too quickly with drawing from neuroleptics and not allowing the brain to cull the dopamine receptors.

Yeah, thats what I was thinking. Can you provide citations on that?

Depending on how long the medication is in use

Is 1 month long enough?

Information can be obtained from your doctor or from the Icarus Project on how to correctly withdraw from medication

Yeah, and all he says is like “IT MUST BE VERY SLOW”

deluded idea that they cured by the medication,

Yeah. I know about that, meds only treat the symptoms, don’t cure it.

Do you think I will be able to function off meds? If i’m sz or not? Should I keep away from weed even though it doesn’t affect my “symptoms”? (Maybe if I quit meds they will)

Thanks a lot for the great response :smile:

Withdrawals can cause psychosis, but all of the substances you listed are not physically addictive, so will not create withdrawal symptoms when quitting.

Unfortunately, your pdoc is very likely correct and your psychosis is due to schizophrenia. This means that you will more than likely have to take anti-psychotics for the rest of your life unless you would rather live with delusions, hallucinations and the other negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

I think your best option would be speak to your pdoc about decreasing your AP’s to the minimum dose possible.



I ALWAYS try to convince him to reduce to dose, but he always ■■■■■■■■ me. We had a big fight 2 weeks ago when he was supposed to reduce but didn’t. He said if I quit weed he would reduce, i quitted for 3 months and he didn’t. Then I smoked again. I’m sick of him, I want to go little dose or completely off to see how I deal with it.

Have you considered getting another pdoc? I went through 4 in Florida before I found one that I thought was competent.

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I had a cousin do as many drugs as I used to…

When his trip was over… it was over… and didn’t come back.

For me… a trip could last almost 5 times longer then my cousins… and the A.P. made the trip end. When I ended up sober and clean… the head circus was still playing…

Docs can usually separate what’s Sz and what’s LSD. Docs usually don’t like to diagnosis Sz… they will look for other stuff first… especially if your young.

If you got that diagnosis… it’s most likely because you happen to have it. It’s hard realize that one… and don’t give up the hope… as you grow and your brain changes…

More therapies happen… and get better… you might not be on meds your entire life.

Good luck and I’m rooting for you.

The question here, and I’m sorry for the honesty, is that you don’t seem to be oriented towards recovery. You’re still in that phase that you think it can pass and you won’t have to live with it for the rest of your life.

We each have our own times to figure out what’s best for us, but if we keep dwelling in the same mistakes we don’t move forward we become stagnant and recovery is difficult.

Trust me, I’ve been there. I don’t think you want another relapse, and from what you’ve told I figure your doctor is trying to prevent exaclty that.

Again, I’m sorry for the honesty but I feel someone needs to tell you this.

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Get off the weed!
For some people, drugs can induce a psychosis that never heals-especially if you have a predisposition for a Mental illness.**

yes it can it is called rebound psychosis it happens a week or two after stopping

Soz to All Those Suckling Upon tha Hypothetically Diseased Poppy Feast … ,

but “drugs” … ,

Be it Your Sodas , Coffee’s , and Even Weed , (OR) As e(Y)e Would L(Y)Ke to Saye … ,

Mary Jane Juana (!!!) ,

Does & Can Naught Cause a “psychosis” … ,

“mmm poppies” … ,

Jus Sayin Yo’s … … … ,

Everyone on thus Earth Can Become Paranoid at Odd Looks and So On , , ,

That in and of Itself is NAUGHT a Schizophrenic Issue … … … (2) ,

" Drop it like its hot " , , ,

Which Jus Means , if You Can’t Handle Mary Janes Nonsense , then Jus Don’t Smoke it Again … … … (3) ,

Yap Yap (!!!)

What sort of hallucinogen did you take?

If as I read it taken only once, I would be surprised if it caused such difficulties. Though out of those of us who used the most (LSD/Psylocybin) many of us are diagnosed and living on disability, but then the all slept with my first girlfriend so for all scientific purposes it could have been that (some green light thing I never saw) Joking aside, I’ll say this, once after a good long acid trip my friend and I had sobered up only to head over to a friends house. He smoked us up and the two of us several hours sober from an LSD trip, went right back into the peak of it, stared at the wall for an hour before communicating enough to get up and leave.

I’ve been through med withdrawal, depending on the med, it can be as awful as a living hell,…discontinuation they like to call this, and they downplay it. Now I’ve known 1960’s Cambridge acid heads who say they took less than I, and while much to one may be many to another, I’d be surprised if one experience caused a long term psychotic break (though not out of the realm of possibility)

For me, weed, is not my favorite drug, indulged in it and then some, but it is not my thing, I know it can trigger things, one drug triggers another. In reality, it’s just a label and these people have not so much a clue as what their diagnosing (in a patient’s perspective) it’s ultimately up to you to decide. Why wont this doctor let you quit taking the drug and see if you do okay? Are you court ordered or some similalry coerced to take it?

My older brother had problems with flashbacks from his acid trips for a while, but it wasn’t really a psychosis. I was with this guy in a hospital who said his schizophrenia was triggered by someone putting acid in his drink. I don’t think it is common, though.

Changed docs, off meds since december, doing well

It was nbome