Bros paying for hotel, i think i'll pick up the meals

covering meals shouldn’t be too bad. I think $120 should do it. I only eat once a day, I don’t know about him. i’ll probably just pay for our dinners then.

We leave Tuesday morning, gonna have a night or two in a hotel and a night in a tent. hopefully it’s not too cold. we’ll be further south so should be in 60’s during the day and 40’s at night probably.

I already told my dad that if none of my siblings adopt me into their homes after mom and dad die that Im just going to move back to Scotland. do you think I should say something to him about life after mom and dad?


I wouldn’t say anything to my brother about that stuff. I’m really not sure what type of relationship you guys have.


yeah I don’t think he will want me to interrupt his normal relationships with his grandkids if he has some. I wasn’t planning on saying anything to him about it, i’ll just see where the conversation leads. going hiking was his idea, so maybe there is something he wants to talk about, who knows? I’ll probably ask him how he’s adjusting to life out of the army now…but I don’t want to pry too much. dad says he’s looking to work for another company already.

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It would seem people like your brother would be very clean and set in his routine. Maybe not though. I hope you guys have a good chat.

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If you can talk to him about it I think you should.

I don’t know how close you are but it is important and relevant.

Will he help you if your parents are not around to do so?

Can you turn to him?

What have you in Scotland?
Do you have stability there?

Do your siblings know that you want to move in with them when your parents die? It’s kind of a touchy subject since I don’t know your family and I don’t know if they would take you in. Bringing the subject up at the right time would be crucial.

It’s a discussion that needs to happen sometime but I don’t know when a good time to have it would be. I don’t want to be macabre but if your parents are advanced in age or in bad health, you should broach the subject to your siblings soon. But you have to approach it the right way.

Don’t invite yourself into their homes to live but just kind of feel them out and see if they have any advice or a plan for you after your parents are gone. The subject is a reality of life. Your parents won’t be here forever and coming up with some plan on how you’re going to live and take care of yourself and survive after you no longer have your parents support is of vital importance.

I would think out of the box though. There’s more choices on how to live than just living with family or relocating to Scotland. A board & care home for example. I lived in one for five years and it had many good points. Maybe you could find a nice studio and live there with your siblings support. Or plan on renting a room in someones home.


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