Cambridge face memory test

I was surprised at my result as I always thought I had average to quite good face memory. I found the first part of the test easy but the next 2 parts increasingly difficult. I can recognise people I was in hospital with over 30 years ago.

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Your accuracy in the experiment was: 93%

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I have heard that autism spectrum disorders are linked to prosopagnosia.

the last part was really difficult for me, with the pixelated faces.

Wow! That’s good. In regards to your first post.

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I had 90% of accuracy. I ve always thought that I can see the faces quite well but my mom never believes me of it wow… I am so insecure of everything that I cant stand my opinion often but well, it is what it is. 80% its still normal accuracy they say in the test :).

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Your accuracy in the experiment was: 82%

Actually surprised I scored that high, halfway through my experience was that I was just guessing most of the time. Guess my subconscious does most of my thinking for me.

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I scored 81%…

For some reason I bet women score higher on this test because they are looking at men. If the test were men looking at women I feel men’s scores might be higher.

Just a whack-a-doodle theory of mine.

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I scored a 76%. I feel like the test is kind of rigged. I’ve never been very good at telling white people apart. Maybe I would score higher on a test using all Arab faces.

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Yeah all white ppl look the same, just ask Dave chappelle :wink:

I got error…because I’m on my phone

Epic fail!


"A score of 60% or below may indicate ‘Face Blindness’.

This can be a plus when picking up women at Bars. Although a guy will usually say…

“I didn’t know she really looked like that! I had the Beer Goggles on!!”


I took the test a second time. This time on the second part I concentrated on a couple of faces rather than the whole group of faces. My score went up to 60%. That improvement could be due to that technique or alternatively it could be the kind of variation in score you might get via random chance.

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Too much beer(more than a pint) and apart from vomiting I’d probably be seeing two headed women.

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Er…but that could be fun…sleeping with a two-headed woman!

(Teh heh heh)

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Wasn’'t Cat Stevens looking for a two headed woman? :wink:

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No! He was looking for a hard-headed woman!

Great fun if you’re a two penised man.

Okay. Hang on…

Exactly HOW did we go from ‘Cambridge Test’ to ‘Two-Penised Man’ so quickly!

[quote=“Patrick, post:8, topic:53271”]If the test were men looking at women I feel men’s scores might be higher.

Not necessarily. Some men’s eyes tend to focus a bit lower down than the face. Just keeding! :wink:


@Patrick It’s your influence wot dun it.