I’m getting the supplement on February 11th. I’ll let you know if it works for me. I’m kind of hopeful.
L-Dopa increases dopamine throughout the brain. It’s a natural supplement from India. The reviews I’ve read mostly say it improves mood. Hopefully it works for me. I’ll keep you posted.
Aziz tried this and got positive symptoms from it i remember
I don’t think the response to L-dopa is the same for everyone. I don’t have any positive symptoms when I stop taking antipsychotics. I never heard voices, for example. Maybe it could be useful for me.
Take in small doses. I used to take macuna years ago but it made me ill when I took too much
Everyone is different, but I developed an all over body itch because it raised my iron too much.
I think it’s something I would take now and then, like every 6 months, because the stuff is strong.
I did feel very good at first but also made me psychotic at bit, but be careful and use wisely
You’re playing with fire be careful
@Green I will start taking it at the standard dose. Luckily, now with AI and so many internet sources I can get good information about the best dose, how long it takes to take effect, etc.
@everhopeful I have no other choice, believe me, I have not tolerated any antipsychotic for 12 years. And my psychiatrist is not willing to reduce the dose or change me to a milder antipsychotic. I will see what happens with this supplement.
it doesnt work for me. made me sleepy then testosterone boost like effect, than angry, then i threw away all my meds and was dysphoric and felt like a deep darkness for multiple days
It usually increases positive symptoms throughout the brain as well. Don’t take it without discussing it with your doctor first.
@cigarino Each person responds differently. I’ll see what happens, when I get it on February 11th I’ll keep you updated.
@shutterbug My psychiatrist does not want to lower the dose of the antipsychotic or change me to a milder one. I told the psychiatrist that the sedation was too strong and he did not care.
Maybe if I take a small dose I will not have positive symptoms.
It’s true people respond differently but if you research it you’d see it’s a very flawed supplement in its mechanisms, it’s the same as the prescription medication levodopa for Parkinson’s, which is not really something you want to take to experiment with, even actual stimulants would be safer if the goal is improving negative symptoms, also it will certainly increase positive symptoms
I hope it goes well for you. I also struggle with my psychiatrst trying to push my dose up, I just tell them no and why. At least if I go sideways they know what I was doing when it happened.
Well, good luck, and keep us posted if it works!
I will have it between February 4th and 5th since I decided to buy it from another website. I will keep you updated.
I took the first capsule a few moments ago. From what I read, it takes between 30 and 60 minutes to start taking effect.
Playing with fire
It’s been 30 minutes and I notice an improvement in my mood, something modest. But it’s only been 30 minutes.
An hour has passed, and I feel better, but not that much. I don’t feel any positive symptoms. I’m still a bit “depressed,” but less so than before. The supplement I bought is a Horbaach brand. Its nutritional information says: “Velvet Bean Extract 350mg. Standardized to contain 15% L-DOPA, 52.5 mg.”
I don’t know if 52.5 mg is a lot or a little. It recommends taking one during the day and one at night.
Don’t take anymore, it will continue to work for weeks
It has killed people before, but you should be okay if you don’t take too much
Be careful, but hope it helps
It seems that 52.5 mg is too little. The minimum dose should be 100 mg, that’s what chatGPT tells me.
Anything that increases dopamine is bad. I think I took a low dose of Adderall (one pill) while inpatient and I had a bad reaction a few years back. I developed new symptoms. I’m aware of the dopamine hypothesis now.
I tried a racetam once for studying and was told it increases dopamine. I’m sure energy drinks do the same thing as well as smoking cigarettes.
There are healthier alternatives like better nutrition and exercise.
We are super sensitive to dopamine.
I read some areas of the brain have too much dopamine and some areas too little. Something to do with the circuits in the brain.