Come down with a proper cold (not just the usual Jim Bob hypochondria)

Still it’s an excuse for getting some bed rest


Feel better @anon94176359!

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Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks @Wave!

Last time I had a cold my pharmacists said I wasn’t allowed cold medicine due to meds. Just Tylenol and ibuprofen

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Yeah I use Tylenol.
It’s pretty safe with meds.

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Colds mean (likely) you won’t get cancer.

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Never knew that

Hope you feel better soon @anon94176359!


Aw, sorry! Why not have hot tea with lemon and honey? I make hot lemonade with a shot of hot sauce when sick.


Yeah @anon4362788 I love hot, sweet tea when I have a cold!

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I know how you are feeling, in regards to the bed rest. I stay in bed everyday and don’t do nothing. But you are sick so try to rest, hopefully you feel better. But you know sometimes we just have to rely on habits and discipline, it’s hard I know. I wish you the best, bro!

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Lemon, ginger and honey is great but i feel for you


If it exists in your country, I swear by this stuff



Just had some hot flavoured potato chips. Has temporarily unblocked my nose lol

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Hope it goes away fast for you

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Thanks everyone for all the kind replies! Makes me feel good

Feel better Jim !!

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Was ok earlier but am full of the cold now. Aches and pains and stuff. Gonna eat some sweet cereal

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Hope you feel better soon.

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Tough luck dude, feel better soon!

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