I am reading 2 books right now. Crimson Peak, and When Calls the Heart. Both are pretty good so far. What is everyone else reading?
I saw the crimson peak movie and I liked it! I’m reading “you are not so smart”. It’s a book that talks about common human misconceptions and fallacies. I already read another book by the same author and liked it so I’m reading his other one now.
I recently finished “far from the tree”, a fantastic book that looks at children who are drastically different from their parents in different ways. Gives a really profound look at disability, stigma, and a lot of other deep themes.
I will have to read that. I feel like I am different from my family.
I would like to read books but can’t stay focused on it
Maybe you should try reading some short stories.
I have trouble with long posts, usually skip those
Oh I do that too. I am bad about skimming too
I’m reading 2 books as well. They are, “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin” and “The Middle Platonists”. Both are excellent. I just finished “Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-1956”.
There is an entire section on schizophrenia!
Who is the author?
I’m about to begin reading The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez. True crime is a massive interest of mine, and I have wanted to read this book for a while now as Richard happens to be one of the serial killers I am most interested in, so it is good to finally be able to do so.
Being awesomely awesome just doesn’t happen…
…you have to work at it.
Andrew Solomon. The same guy who wrote the noonday demon, if you know that book. Famous book about depression.
I am reading the 5th book of Game of Thrones.
I’m a slow and distracted reader, but I still like to read when I can. I’m currently reading Carrie Fisher’s last book “The Princess Diarist” I just love her wit and writing style. It’s pretty good so far.
I’m a fan of biographies, especially autobiographies. And especially if the person is/was “different”.
There are 23 years of these annual collections.
I’m on break from school so only fun things. I read several Rainbow Rowell books last week. This week, I’m rereading the Sandman comics. I’m on The Kindly Ones right now.
The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid
a sci-fi novel set in the far, far future… HM, how to discribe this: On Goodreeds:… Diabolics were created by man to protect someone, the main character Nemesis was created to protect the daughter of a galactic senator. When the daughter is summoned to the galactic court as a hostage Nemesis is sent in her place and must learn to be Sidonia. Now Nemesis must learn to show the one feature she never thought she had, her humanity while she tries to help steady a rebellion building among the residents of the empire and protecting Sidonia at all costs.
I am reading a book required by my English class called 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" it is a story about the very poor, disadvantaged, African American woman who died in 1951 and was the source of HeLa cells which have been used for the last 60 years in Medicine. They were used to develop the vaccines for Polio and HPV among many, many other things. Very interesting book. She had a super hard life and died of cervical cancer at 30. Dr’s took a biopsy of her cervix without asking. They were the first cells to live and reproduce for an extended time. They are still reproducing 60 years later. Fascinating.
OOOOOH! Reminds me of the OMNI fiction specials that used to come out. Remember those?