Book on my Schizophrenia

Hope that someone decides to check this book out. It goes into pretty fine details of my experiences with schizophrenia growing up, and what it was like first-hand plus all the stuff in between/my thoughts and philosophies. It’s just a portrayal of what it was like–journal entries, ideas, some dreams, etc. really for anyone who wants to understand what it’s like to have this illness/constant battle within the psyche/mind. Attempts to bring some hope clarity and understanding to others too. Some of it may seem a little non-sensical however it really has helped me to write my thoughts down to give me perspective and healing through-out the 15 years of having paranoid schizophrenia. I wrote this book to try and embrace and accept my circumstance/situation and mental illness. Both the darkness/light/more-so poetic.


Congratulations! What a wonderful accomplishment! :sunny:

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Congratulations :slight_smile:

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Wow that’s great @Gabzgrl! I’ve written a book on my sza too but still need to find a publisher. I’d your book an e-book or hardcopy? How did you get it published?

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