I have been working out consistently for the past 8 years,if I had been more consistent it would be 9…but I let myself loose for one year.Now I am back on working out,like the way I feel after a hard workout.Dont really like when I had to start doing it,like when I finished doing lol
I’ve been on and off working out, lost some years when really unwell. But now I’m in the gym again. Was in a good shape around 2012-13.
I’m not fitness expert but I walk to stay in shape
i start working out soon. i have a treadmill that i use everyday and also a home gym with deadlift platform, bench press, squat rack, pull up bar, dumbbells, resistance bands, lots of stuff i’ve bought over the years.
anyways my problems are eating enough calories to bulk and getting enough protein as a vegetarian. i think i will just eat 2 bean salads a day for protein, giving me about 60grams of protein for the day. im actually almost vegan, i have eliminated eggs, i just eat cheese for b12 and protein. and also some fortified almond milk with b12.
i also really like the after glow after a good workout.
my diet would be:
breakfast- smoothie w/ almond milk
lunch- bean salad and large garden salad
dinner- baked potato and bean salad
long story short, im going to end up being pretty thin again with that diet, and 2 hours of exercise a day. but i don’t care, as long as im fit.
I spend way to much time watching my favorite fitness youtubers, bradley martin, and other steroid users. I need to spend more time using my home gym equipment. I’m in relatively good shape but would like to build more muscle. I’m not on any special diet and I recently had my blood work done, and my Testosterone levels and estrogen levels came back normal. If I would improve my diet I would probably be able to increase my T levels.
Don’t take testosterone, its bad for psychosis.
I used once testosterone cream called AndroForte from Australia and it made me more aggressive, irritable and more psychotic. Testosterone and other steroids increase aggressive behaviour. I thought testosterone was illegal but it got to my mailbox without being opened. It was expensive and I put the rest in the garbage.
On a side note, to really be a bodybuilder in todays day and age, you would really having to be taking PED’s to compete with the rest. I would err more on the side of fitness enthusiast for anyone else who is not taking PED’s.
LS! I have been consistingly working out for almost two years. Now that the gym is closed I have to train at home and do not know how to train all my muscle groups. I looked up my strength at the website www.strengthlevel.com. Only my quadriceps in the machine leg extension is elite. The rest of my muscles is mostly novice.
A treadmill…
That thousand dollar purchase that gets tucked under your bed after 3 weeks…collecting dust.
Only because you don’t have the athlete genes in you to consistently exercise at least 5 times a week. My treadmill is top-notch quality and I do foresee myself using it for the next 5-7 years.
Just because you run, doesn’t make you an athlete. Anybody can run.
Not just running but regular running on a consistent week by week, month to month basis.
Just a small question, what does LS! means?
I simplified my muscle group to chest,back,arm,leg,shoulder and abs.I rotate these and do two muscle group each day.Been working out consistently for 8 years…started off with cardio
I had persistently doing cardio(30min if either treadmill,elliptical or bicycle) for many years.I think doing that long has caused a negative effect on my muscle grow…now I do more weights then cardio…I probably do 10min each day
Correct,anyone can run.Not everyone can be consistent
I’ve only lifted weights seriously one time for about ten months. I was bulking up pretty good. I quit because I was getting muscle bound. After that I kind of played at working out with weights.
@Gtx1990 Well, I need to burn a lot of fat off my body so I do more cardio than weight lifting. The human body ages so I am unable to maintain the stamina and strength that I used to have when I was younger. But yes, long distant running is meant for slim skinny athletes whereas sprinting 100 meters requires lots of strength.
Well, for my treadmill I am either consistent with the time (30-minutes or 1-2 hours) or the distance (5km or 10km) daily.
LS! Hi Aziz! LS is the Latin abbreviation of Lectori Salutem “The reader be greeted” , it used to be the beginning of letters.