Blood sugar normal tonight

I just tested it twice and it was 93 and 94. Under 100 is normal. I’m diabetic, and with my doctor’s ok I’ve stopped taking the diabetes med. I have been having to watch what I eat though.


hi, My blood sugar is abnormal too. I have to test it everyday. I am 45 years old.

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I’m 62 and my blood sugar went down after switching to Abilify. My blood sugar was low when I went in to see my doctor when I was on Glipizide.

I have diabete and I have to on diet and have some exercises,

Me too. I’m only eating lower Glycemic Index carbohydrates. My doctor is going to check in three months to see how I’m doing.

Glipizide and Metformin together brought down my blood sugar. But after losing weight, I no longer need glipizide and I’m on half the dose of Metformin now. My last A1C was 5.5 so that’s good. If my next A1C is normal, my dr is taking me off Metformin too.

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Glad to hear it @LilyoftheValley. My A1C was 5.7.

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How old are you?

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I’m 44 years old


In general, people in 40-55 years old always tend to have diabete.

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