Black Magic is Not Real

Can you guys help convince me?

I sometimes feel insecure that what if there’s some element of truth?

But, truly, I want to believe it is Not Real.


Mind control is real, not black magic

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Neither mind control nor black magic is real. They can’t see in your mind. No one has the power to really cast working spells. It’s all a mental thing to make those practicing feel better. It’s called “intention”.


If black magic were real you would hear about how someone put a hex on someone else in the news on a regular basis if it had real world consequences. It’s not real.

Mind control isn’t real either.


I don’t know why it is that when I say something really important about myself and my future that I feel so bad about saying it (sometimes at least) as if someone can cast a black magic spell on my positivity!!!

I need to get that out of my system!

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I used to believe in the supernatural, but I was really sick back then.
Today I’m on meds and don’t believe in that stuff.


I’m happy to hear you don’t believe in that stuff. That’s how it should be.

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Mind control and black magic do not work, if they did the real world would be way different than what we know now/ It would have fell apart decades ago

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When i was psychotic, i use to believe that magic was only for schizophrenic to see, feel, and can be avoided and normal people that dont see it gets into good or bad curse from time to time and its part of the world we live in, same for ghost ‘‘hallucination’’. ( Delete my post if it can be harming )

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Yes that’s right, you were unwell at the time, that is why, I suppose…

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Yeah i was unwell, very unwell, but i developed a love for street cats during those days, they cool.

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What do you mean by mind control? :confused:

Mind control can be anyone from your best friend or family member by manipulating or abusing trust.


That’s not the type of mind control he is talking about. He means people actually being in your head and causing symptoms.


I believe mind control is possible, but in the realm of torture and manipulation, not someone reading your thoughts and manipulating them remotely. It makes me think of the Stockholm syndrome

Certainly nothing for any of us to worry about


Interesting, so its all in the mind? I was led to believe I was a curse, I thought people used black mágic against my mother and I came out of the wound as a curse

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Yea I’m trying hard to believe black magic is not real. Like people have said on this thread, I suppose the world would be different if thinking alone, badly about someone could make them suffer in the way that the person curses them…?

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Black Magic. Black Magic?. Black Magic!.

It Is Real?. It Is Not Real!. It Is Real.

What Is Real?. What Is Real. What Is Real!.

I Sense Now You Are Feeling Slumber…, Go…, Deep Into A Trance…, of Wonder!.

Wander And Begin To Ponder…, The Deck Of Tarot Has Began To Dance…, Your Trance. . .

It Is Now Time To Sit With Us!.

In The Graveyard Within The Oceans Of The Breeze…, Come Sit…, WITH MEE (!!!).

Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

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Thanks… I feel… Flattered… To sit with you and your team.

Slightly trembling, lol. :confused:


Sorry…, I Was Jus Tryin To Cheer You Up. Black Magic Is Kinda Like A Self Fulfilling Prophecy.

There Was A Book By The Guy Robert Anton Wilson Called ‘Prometheus Rising’. . .

Where He Talked About A Quarter On The Ground If You Find Yourself Walking Down The Road.

If You Are Looking For Quarters Your Chance Of Finding One Is Higher Than If You’re Not Looking For One. Kinda Like Your Fear Of Black Magic. It’s A Self Fulfilling Prophecy. Look For It You May Find It.

Although, My Personal Spiritual Beliefs Disagree.

It May Be Something With Some Truth. Like A Quija Board or Something.

Plus I LOVE Goth Chicks. Never Got To Meet One Though.


Hope, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Eternal Peace!.

P.s. The Book ‘Prometheus Rising’ Is A Good One. Plus The Author Is On YouTube. . . . . . .