Beta male describe me well

Beta male describe me well, my brothers are alpha males. Maybe bcz I have sz or autism not sure.
My mother says I am too shy but I don’t believe it, something is wrong with me.

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Maybe I have a hypersensitive personality.

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Don’t beat yourself up, @Aziz.

You’re fine just the way you are.


Do you feel like people are conspiring against you and searching for you? Do you feel the urge to run away from everything and hide in a place where nobody will find you? Do you look for symbolic meaning in things around you? Schizophrenia is more than just shyness.

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Off meds yes but not on meds. I also had religious and grandiose delusions off meds.

I’m sorry, @Aziz,

But your brothers are losers.

Just because they are more functional doesn’t mean they are doing well with it.

I don’t subscribe to the alpha/beta/etc line of thinking,

However, if I did, I wouldn’t call them alphas.


I find the whole alpha/beta male thing appalling. It’s not just harmful to men, but when you dig deeper into that culture, it’s extremely harmful to women, too. Please don’t go down that path. You are a person, with strengths and weaknesses. That is all. You just need to find your strengths and focus on THOSE. Instead of what you can’t do.


Alpha male just seems like a nice way of saying toxic.


The topic tends to make people uncomfortable. Alpha/beta/omega male has nothing to do with disease or intelligence or any characteristic like that. There is no point in beating yourself up over it because there is little you can do about it.

It’s your standing in the social hierarchy of life based on your animalistic biological being. To make it very simple are you naturally “The leader of the pack” aka alpha male or are you a “Follower” aka beta male. There are also omega males which are even lower standing than betas and generally get ignored, made fun of and treated like garbage by almost everyone.

These hierarchies are found throughout the animal kingdom. I’ve seen this topic comes up in nature shows often, even British naturalist Sir David Attenborough (who is highly regarded in his field) has mentioned the concept in his shows. See the link below.

Wolves are a good example. There is the alpha male that leads the hunt, eats first and are the ones the females tend to mate with. The betas eat second and a female will occasionally mate with them, then there are the omegas that eat last, get the left over scraps and never mate.

Humans are more complex than wolves,we can act on our thoughts instead of just our instincts, but these basic instinct and social hierarchies were built into life a long time ago and have been evolving for millions of years.


I don’t think I believe in the alpha male stuff. I mean sure there are successful, outgoing males. When I think about it, I guess I do think there is such a thing when it comes to sports. When it comes to society not so much. I think @LED is right.


Lol there’s no such thing as beta or alpha …only thing I can think If that remotely resembles that is being a good person. …being good is alpha


There are such thing as alpha males.
Both my brother and father are good examples.

I am beta especially since becoming ill


I believe so too.


Maybe I am an omega afterall, not even a beta.


I am not a macho goal driven person.
My brother and father are.

I am more easy going some will say passive although I can be aggressive when pushed to the limit.

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Alpha Beta Omega may be slang terms but they exist.

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I don’t really know what I am. I don’t like being the center of attention in large groups but I also don’t like being told what to do, I’m pretty independent. I’m not some hyper alpha male but I’m not an omega male either. Maybe a high level beta, something like that. According to your chart maybe I am a Sigma male. I don’t think about it too much, I’m just myself and people can take me as I am or not.