Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Last time i was in the hospital they sent me home with a 30-day supply of 2mg of lorazepam, and i thought it was okay to use just 1mg a day…what a mistake! I was worried that i was getting addicted to it…and i was.

Now i am experiencing withdrawal symptoms like rebound anxiety and weird bodily sensations. I’m using hydroxyzine for anxiety and i flushed the rest of the Ativan so i won’t be tempted to take any. It’s a tangibly painful process but i think the worst of it is passed.

Does anybody have some good tips for someone going through withdrawal from benzodiazepines? I could really use some ideas for getting through this…


Well lucky for you, you used a small dose for a short amount of time. Your withdrawal should be minor.

Went I went through severe Ativan withdrawal, I couldnt stop pacing around the house. Intense anxiety, insomnia, just a general feeling like I was going to die at any second. Made me suicidal.

I don’t really have any tips, im sorry. Just know this will pass and you’ll be okay.


Does not sound alot to be addicted too to be honest. Sure your not overthinking it?

Give it a couple of weeks. You be fine.

Sure you not got other issues in your life that is aggravating you?

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I tapered my benzo over 6 months.

But still I experience more anxiety than before I started benzos.

Yeah, you may be right, but it’s the only way i can explain the panic attacks I’ve been having since i have no history of an anxiety disorder…or it could just be stress from the recent COPD diagnosis. IDK, really, it’s all a guess…


Canuc is right Benzos are more addictive than alcohol. So if you get off of them then stay away from Daily usage. If you have control over the benzos and they dont have control over you then you Can take them on rare occasions when you are extra fearfull or sleepness. Ive turned my back to antipsychiatry and only warn about dayli usage. And if you feel depressed then it`s ok to take an antidepressive. You know I had a load of traumas in my life. If I had the choice between of searching after the root of the traumas or taking an antidepressive. I would chooce the latter.


I prefer to manage my anxiety/panic attacks with benzos.
I’m on it long term and don’t see how I can handle an anxiety/panic attacks without having it ready for me.


Dont worry White Raven. You know most of us in Schizo spectra are some days more fearfull than others. If your doctor recomment you to take benzos maybe twice or 3 time each week then I dont believe youll get dependent to them. But please inform your doctor about prescriping Benzos every day is a bad idea cause that Can maybe cause dependence. Anxety is one of the most common symptoms we schizophrenics have. Im not antipsychiatry any more so if I had any fears and my doc recommented a benzo as needed(some days but not every day). Then
I would accept that.
You know our mental State changes sometimes. You must know that the psychotropic I had such a bad time with was not dependant forming and totally safe but I Got it in the mix with two other psychotropic and thats was the reason I Got so unstable.
Most meds in psychiatry are totally safe if you use them wisely.


I took 2 mgs Klonopin for 7-8 years.

My withdrawal was very fast, and I have gotten withdrawal effects, in one form or the other, for the past 5 years, though now they are mostly abating.

My recommendation would be, to taper very, very slowly, otherwise the withdrawal effects will last years.


The same here. Klonopin withdrawal caused me panic attacks for years after a rapid taper.

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I have my own theory on why I got panic attacks.

You get rebound anxiety after stopping a benzo. However, since you were on a benzo, the brain got used to dealing with stress with a benzo rather than itself. Now, there is no benzo, so the brain doesn’t have a response to anxiety/stress. Therefore, you may get panic attacks.

A lot of people here will tell you to take benzos to curb panic attacks, but that is the last thing you want to do: Succumb to more benzos. This is just my opinion.

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Took me a good year to get off Clonazepam.

I found that caffeine helped with withdrawal symptoms.

Good luck ! I tapered by lowering my dosage 0.06mg weekly.

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Good luck, you can do it!!! You didnt been a long time on them :slight_smile:
Tbh i hate the benzos, but am subscribed to them, too fearful chronically since forever.
They can even depress sometimes, they can take a bit of our energy too… But i wont be able to handle a withdrawal now, plus am still paranoid, i need them too…
My pdoc was saying, that i can be on them even on long term if i dont increase the dosages, but its better if you can do it without them…
For tips, well… More activities in a peaceful places maybe like walking just or i use often times some music against anxiety and fear on youtube, the kind of bit of meditation music. I use music against even headaches etc, there are bunch of them according to most of our problems… :wink: :smiley:
All the best, stay safe!!!



Why do you type like that?

I wondered that too. Then I figured out that his keyboard is doing a back tick in place of an apostrophe.

A back tick is shorthand for quoting or something in the forum software.

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Oh I never thought of that

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I do all my typing from an Ipad 8 cause that’s the only unit were I can get access to this forum. The translater is disabled so when there are some spelling error you know why. I also have an Ipad pro with external keyboard but that unit is to heavy to sit down and use and it has not access to -this forum. So I tapper on a screen and not a keyboard.

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Doctor tried to put me on benzos. I told him no way playa. Trying to keep my composure. I don’t like the idea of physical and psychological dependency on a drug. A playa can’t do it.


I understand your concerns. If there was no alternativ I would use them under special surcumstances. But I hope that that never happens.

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