Quitting anxiety meds

I’ve self adjusted my clonazapam I don’t feel any anxiety at all I’m doing good

I’m a bit worried tho about withdrawal symptoms like seizures I’ve heard benzos can kill if quit cold turkey I went down from 3mg to 1mg and I feel better no anxiety

Please nobody do this I’m someone who doesn’t have a anxiety problem most of the time

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You are playing with fire my man. You feel good because the meds are working. Talk to you doc. :bear::bear::bear:


I agree I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody else i would tell them to see a doctor but I feel less anxious and worried now than I did before

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Be careful. You have to taper down really slowly if you’re going to quit.

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Just be careful. :whale::whale::whale:


I agree with @GrayBear & @everhopeful . Be careful. Benzo withdrawal can be dangerous. Best to taper slowly.


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Let’s see if it works now anyway as I was saying I don’t think I’m doing the right thing

But I’m not having any anxiety that’s the weird part I feel more awake less racing thoughts

Also I’m beginning to think I’m happier off of clomazapam

I know you do a lot of scientific research @everhopeful how long does it take for it to become dangerous I immediately cut down from 3mg to 1mg overnight for about 2 weeks

It’s different for everyone.

Some people can get away with a fast taper and some can’t.

Making a change every 2 weeks is about the right speed though.

Here’s a post I made earlier :

I was on 0.5mg a day of clonazepam, and got horrible withdrawals. The way I eventually came if it was by slowly increasing the amount of days between taking it.

At the beginning I would take it every other day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days for two weeks, etc.

Doing it very slowly was the key.

Good luck coming off it.

I dabbled with benzos but had fears of them, I am taking now hydroxyzine. It’s for anxiety but a lot safer cause it’s not actually a benzos.

They have meds to ease benzo withdrawal and help with seizure risk called pregabalin and gabapentin.

All the advice I can offer

Just thought I’d make a update I’m taking 1.5 I went from 3 to 1.5 I feel better not worried less panic attacks infact I’ve had no panic attack since lowering it

I’m gonna go off it in about a month I think I’m gonna start quitting my supper time meds

Please this is not to encourage others don’t do this I want everybody to be as happy and as healthy as they can

What meds are those?

clonazapam I’m quitting it slowly I’m confident I can go down to 1mg of clonazapam soon

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You have to hear this

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