I no longer need anxiety meds

I have been drastically cutting down on all my anxiety meds and haven’t had an issue in a long time I’m serious too I thought I’d make a new thread

But I’m probably cured


Sick name yo @AwesomeFisherman

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That’s a dub, I’m glad you’re getting through that well.

You tapered off then? That’s good, careful thoooo

I switched from Clonazepam to hydroxyzine cus it’s for anxiety and not a benzos.

The withdrawals from benzos were harsh thankfully I had pregabalin at the time, specifically helps with benzos wds


I kept missing my afternoon clonazapam then I just completely stopped taking it in the afternoon I’m kinda self adjusting and I don’t have anxiety anymore

I’m taking hydroxyzine for anxiety, too, after coming cold turkey off of Ativan…yeah, the withdrawal was bad.

Just be careful tapering off meds and don’t do it without a pdoc’s approval. Part of the reason you probably feel less anxious is because the meds are still in your system.

Take care.

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