Benadryl with Haldol

That’s complicated since I was abusing a medication that I’m still on.

To answer your question: either 4 months or 2 hours.

I snorted a bunch in a bathroom of a flooded gas station on the way to a mental health/substance abuse facility (I was in the long-term mental health unit though) in early October, which was my last abusive dose. It was during a hurricane, my 76-year-old aunt was driving me, and I used the back of my AA book and my kid’s library card to make it work. It was not my highest point. But, that was my last abusive dose.

Back then I was using up to 600 mg/day and now I only take my prescribed 60 mg/day and don’t see how I could ever get off that. I don’t even think it’s possible, truly. But, I am proud of how far I’ve come this far.

My doc put me on Cogentin and Benadryl to combat TD.

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It’s fine to take them together