July 7, 2020, 3:46pm
They must be, why else would someone put an Amazon Alexa in their bathroom? Everyone knows enough to know it’s recording the noises from their bowel movements. They obviously don’t care, it’s more important to them to have the morning news read out loud so they can get the scoop while taking their poop. For myself yeah I know that Google is listening to me in my car, but I place more value on Google navigation on my infotainment system. My hobbies? All kind of public as I run a hobbyist radio station, and I share both photography and writing on photography publicly.
Besides, I live in a small town. I know that my neighbours are always watching me. Doesn’t bother me as I’m not doing anything I have to be worried about.
Awesome! You’ve come a long way MrSquirrel. I can still remember a time when you said web cameras and stuff really bothered you, even when not in use, as I recall.
Congratulations on your progress! I’m happy for you.
Creeps me out. I keep my phone turned off when not in use (“OK GOOGLE!”). I physically removed the microphone from my television and the camera is covered over on all devices with tape. I do admit that I like the Google integration while driving. VERY handy. Even if I make a point of not driving a lot.