Being cursed with the truth

I’ve always prided myself on my objectivity and my unflinching gaze into the darkest aspects of history and humanity. I don’t know what good it does me. I do feel like I have an accurate view of human nature. However, there is a lot to be said for putting on rose colored glasses and having the most cheerful view of life that you can. It’s probably easier to live that way.

When you consider that the nearest star is 22.8 trillion miles from earth, and there are more stars in the known universe than grains of sand in all the deserts and all the beaches of the world, you start to understand how tiny we really are.

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The mind boggles …

wonderdunk you just like to hear yourself talk. your posts are WAY too long too even read. I think you are a troll.

@Onddruid you “think” you know the truth. I know the truth and that’s that Christ will save all His children and you unfortunately will be left behind. that is all.

As a recommendation from a Christian… I wouldn’t be so quick to make judgments for Christ, the time is not yet here and to try and teach rather than condemn I think would be wise.

@Itsme these guys talking here are absolutely sure in their beliefs. all I can do is try to put the fear of God in them. they won’t change their minds anyways. I just don’t like that atheists can get on here and rave about their beliefs and I have to shut my mouth about my beliefs because I’m christian.

I feel you bout not being able to state our beliefs on here cause there so called “triggers”!
But still Love is better than fear, Love is His commandment after all.

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None of these staunch non believers on here are reachable anyways. I was not passing judgement by the way, Christ will do that.

Didn’t mean you were… And he doesn’t want to lose even one… So keep up ur faith it’s an inspiration for me to speak up too

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I understand that this is the Unusual Beliefs category, but you are a human dealing with human morality in a forum filled with other humans, subject to human rules. So maybe cool it on the defense of child trafficking and chicken rape.

@wonderdunk @Onddruid


Wait, so you are saying you don’t believe in gravity?

I must type this fact once more…

The fact: There is a World of difference between reality and what we want.

I am guessing you are basing your entire interpretation of this thread on the response by that turnip person. Please read what I have said before you make up your mind about what I am saying. Nowhere have I said those things are ok, I have even explicitly said that I do not think those things are ok. If you are too tired to actually read what I am trying to say or don’t understand, it is ok to ask but it is rude to assume I am saying things that I explicitly do not.