Being a 'night owl increases your risk of depression and schizophrenia'


Reading this at 5am in the morning woot! Woot!

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Maybe we stay up late because we have a mental illness and it’s not that we have a mental illness due to staying up late ? :thinking:


My pdoc told me this. She said that I need to work on sleeping at night and being awake during the day. I do that sometimes, but other times I still stay up really late.


I have a normal sleep pattern. I sleep during the night, and I am awake in the day.

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I was a night owl for years but recently I started getting up at sunrise and staying up. It feels so good! But I’d say it was first that my depression went away before I got up early -not getting up early and then depression lifted. I could get up early because my depression lifted. If I was still depressed I’d stay in bed. Vicious circle it was.


oh blimey didnt know that - tho not sure i could be considered a night owl - as im always in bed at 5pm and always up at 4am - so i do get my sleep in.

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and they say a good book never hurt anyone, hi Dr Zen here, upin the night, just reset your internal clock. or force your self to sleep. me id stay up and in joy the quite noises over the day noises anyway.

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I can’t be a night owl because i get sick the next day

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Why is it that everything fun is unhealthy in some way >_<

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I have a delayed sleep phase (like, significantly). I don’t think either one precluded the other in any sort of causal way.

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I think it is more common to be a night owl when you are younger, and you become less of one as you age. I don’t think it’s fair to say that they are related. Most people are diagnosed with mental illnesses when they are young adults, and are more likely to be in the night owl stage at that time anyway. I say be who you are and enjoy life. It is too short.


I would say that believing yourself to be a ‘night owl’ would increase anyone’s chances of developing depression or schizophrenia.

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