Becoming more conservative

Not really in my politics but more so in real life/everyday things.
When I was younger I was much more liberal in my thinking, but as I’m getting older I tend to take the ‘middle’ road.


Its best to take what you believe is right from both ends.

Radicals on both sides are idiotaas

Walk your own path


Yep you are right there is no room for radicals on both sides.



Most sensible peeps walk down the middle road.

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People tend to get less open-minded as they age. Also less outgoing. Maybe that’s what you’re noticing.


Most people report that when they reach a certain age. The fact that it hasn’t been my case - if anything, I’m more ‘radical’ now than I was when younger - has costed me some friends. But being more radical doesn’t necessarily mean being more intolerant or polarised. Many people also become more tolerant as they age, which hopefully it’s your case. :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you mean in terms of risk taking? I have done that as well. Ninjastar of days past had zero anxieties and a low key death wish. Others saw me as courageous, adventurous, and fearless. Now, I actually want to continue living, and I second-guess so much


I think @anon9798425 hit it on the nail, but I’m not sure what the reason is.

Yeah maybe it’s part of the aging process.


It normally is. There’s a lot of research to back it up, too.

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Yes, thanks @anon9798425

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I’m 57, and I’ve become more conservative in my opinions.

Civil discourse has been replaced by ad hominem attacks on both sides of issues. Catch phrases such as “snowflake” and “deplorable” are used in lieu of respectful debate. Partisanship has run amok. Differing opinions have become tantamount to hate.

I was on the debate team at university. There were two teams: one team would argue the benefits of a topic, the other team would argue the detriments of the topic. Then the teams would switch arguments: the team that argued the benefits would argue the detriments, and the team that argued the detriments would argue the benefits.

Sad to say, but it seems to me that civil debate is something that more and more people cannot do, or maybe more accurately are unwilling to do.

“In a republic to be successful we must learn to combine intensity of conviction with a broad tolerance of difference of conviction”–Teddy Roosevelt

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Thanks @anon16583342

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“If you’re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative at 40, you have no brain.”

This quote has, apparently, been falsely attributed to Winston Churchill but whoever said it I’ve seen it a lot on the Internet.


I think I’ve loosened up over time. I used to be very extreme conservative, and now I actively work on being more open minded and accepting. I’m glad I’ve changed because it’s opened me up to more friendships and diverse relationships.


I’m with @anon55031185. I’m only 29 years old, but I’ve changed a lot since I was a teen, a lot even since 2 years ago. I’m much more open-minded and accepting, now.


Life experience does that. You learn which things are flat-out stupid to do and take a dim view of them.

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Haha, it sounds like I have neither heart or brain. At 20 I was defending thinkers like Hayek and even De Maistre. At 40 I was a Marxist (not anymore, though).


I think that’s the key, not whether you lean right or leftwards but being tolerant and accepting.


I’m definitely accepting, even at my age


Maybe. Or it might be biological changes.

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