Bad news about my brother in law

2 years ago, my brother in law was awarded disability for knee and shoulder problems as well as mental illness. I told him to keep up with his drs visits and stay in treatment because he’ll be reviewed around every 3 years

He didn’t believe me. He kept saying I was wrong because he had total and permanent disability. I told him I have total and permanent disability and I get reviewed

Long story short, he hasn’t seen a dr in 2 years. He is now being reviewed.

If he loses his disability he’ll be homeless. He refuses to work.

He tried to drug me twice and my husband once (confirmed by my husband). I don’t want to live with him. I’m so frustrated


Yeah, does not sound like a very good roomie :grimacing: :scream:.

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You’ve got to get him out, ASAP. Those are the acts of a twisted mind. Personally, I would phone the police and have him removed

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Understandably frustrated!! Be safe. Sorry you are having to deal with this.

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