Back on my diet

I haven’t been on my diet since Thanksgiving and gained weight well two weeks ago I started up my diet again, started walking again already I’ve lost 8 lbs, I’m hoping to keep this trend going and finally reach my goal of size 7 pants already my size 16 are to big for me but size 15 are to small, wish me luck guys


Good luck. With the walking you’ll do well.

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good effort
nice job
you seem self confident thats good

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Good luck! It’s great you’re looking after yourself like that. :slight_smile:

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Good luck


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Good job! I’m dieting too. I’m hoping I adjust and stop feeling hungry. Are you hungry? What kind of diet are you doing?


You’re doing a great job.

When the weather gets better here I plan on getting out and walking more too.

I’m not on a diet, but I’m trying to teach myself better eating habits.

You can do this.

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@LilyoftheValley I found after I cut out sugar, pasta, and bread I stopped being hungry all the time. That being said I am on a lifestyle more than a diet because I’ll stay on it after I lose all my extra weight. My diet is no sugar, pasta, or bread.


I’m on a diet too and I’ll eat carbs like bread and rice.
Just eating less.
I’ve also cut out fatty foods like oil.

So far I’ve lost about 11 pounds.


That’s smart. I’ve eliminated all 3 but I’m still hungry. I think I just need an adjustment period


Wow! Good job @Wave!

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley!

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@LilyoftheValley it does take some time for your body to adjust to not eating that stuff, I hope you start losing weight soon

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Thanks @Twialine!

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