Just wondering . What the hell why not
I was 15 years old and i lost it in the pool with a girl. I wish i never met the girl and i wish i kept my virginity until i was older and until i met someone special. I know it is weird to hear this from a guy, but i feel totally used by that girl. After losing my virginity, i became too focused on sex, and looked at girls as sexual objects to have sex with, instead of trying to meet someone special to have a relationship with or maybe it was the hormones doing this to me. Anyway, i hate my first sex partner, because i fell in love with her and she just used me for sex.
eazy-j, you should answer that question yourself too, not just ask it.
21 to be honest. Late bloomer. I’m just glad that she didn’t think i was a virgin at the time so i didn’t have to tell her.
So we have almost the same story… 15 to some guy who I feel in love with and used me for sex till I was 19… After that figured sex made relationships so gave myself freely till 23 than stopped all together , now I’m 27.
Love is a weird enough thing and than sex is thrown in…
First girlfriend. I was determined to still be a teenager when it happened. Just made it.
She called me out of the blue last year to go for a coffee. I went. 30 years later she was still the same person…competitive for no reason and snarky. Divorced twice. (no wonder)
I’m glad we met again. She reminded me of how lucky I was to have met my wife.
yeah, similar stories but at least you were in a some sort of a relationship with the person who took your virginity until you were 19. For me, the girl i liked starting having sex with other guys and dumped me after one time that she had sex with me. I’m 29 now, and i haven’t had sex for more than 4 years.
16 yep yep yep.
I want to say 17. Also it can be 18. It is definitely one of these two.
Ya sex kinda freaks me out know… I’m worried I’ll feel things for that person and I hadn’t held an emotional attachment for someone in a long time… I would just like a relationship without the sex for once and than actually develop with that person for once not just sex…
And sorry bout the one nighter just kissing a Guy and never seeing him again makes me feel like I’ve had a one night stand couldn’t imagine it being the first time…
I save myself for The Right One
. With American citizenship.
Was 17 kinda. didn’t really climax so not sure if it counts.
At 25. If I missed that chance, it would’ve been 35.
Sex is a tiny tiny part of my life.
I don’t think I’ll ever have sex again.
I’m 37 now with no sex drive.
I was 16.
Same here. Can’t imagine anyone ever wanting to have sex with me now. Still have a sex drive but happy and content with auto stimulation…
17… it wasn’t a romantic experience… but I don’t see losing virginity as something special at all. More important who you spend your life with after that.
let you know when it happens…not really saving for any particular reason just never met someone I wanted to do with it. Plus I don’t have a very high sex drive, I think it has to do with my medications…
just do it when you meet someone decent and get it over with… nothing special about virginity trust me. It’s kinda funny, this concept.
I’m 19 and a virgin.
I was sick and unmedicated since 14, and dropped out of school at 17 and started taking meds. I’ve had a few girlfriends but things never got that serious.
Like @sleepybug , the question of virginity doesn’t really appeal to me that much.
I had a great childhood before I was sick and am grateful for a lot of things. I managed to play varsity basketball at 17 while I was psychotic: that’s enough accomplishment for me.
I was 13. It was my 15 year old older cousin that showed me how when I was supposed to be just sharing a bedroom with my cousin. She died a year later in a car wreck and I always used to believe I sent her to hell for us doing that. This is the secret I talk about in my book but I’ve never publicly told anyone. Please don’t mock me or tease me about it. I am bitter about it. I wish I could have held out for an older age to lose my virginity.
so what?! I’m sure you will meet someone soon and have feelings for… I believe everything happens at the right time for the right reason. I kinda believe in destiny if you ask me because of my experiences. So just get better have fun and enjoy life. being a virgin is not a big deal.