At what age did you lose your virginity?

It’s ok jukebox, you were just a baby… I can understand why’d you be bitter about it, we all deal with various forms of impurity and atleast you have the guts to tell people about it.

i dated my older sister’s friend when I was in fourth grade. One date at the burrito shop we were introduced and suddenly we were a couple :joy:


I’m sure you will… :o) just focus on having fun and achieving!

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My babysitter let me hit her up when I was 12

Eazy-j, you are kidding, right?

Fifty-five. She was very tender and sweet and gentle.
She was such a nice women that she said I didn’t even have to leave her a tip.

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I was waaaaaay too young and regret it. happened just short of a month before my 13th birthday.


18 to my older bf. He pressured me into it. It was not pleasant experience and I had problems with sex for many years afterwards. Now that i’ve met a good man, I wish I had waited.


As far as I know I was 14. But then I started having all these flashbacks in my mid 20’s so for all I know I was some kind of playa even before this, like women my age and like one was like a cop, she was beautiful but like notoriously naive or something.

For the record, these ARE delusions, they said so…

13, to the boy next door.

I told my sisters and he denied it. Broke my heart.

He did something similar 8 years later. I cried my eyeballs out all day, then got over it and learned from my mistake.

Stupid jerk.

27 When I first had successful (ie reaching climax) sex. Had been trying for months beforehand. Didn’t know at the time that lithium can cause sexual dysfunction.

13…the very hot 17 year old Puerto Rican who lived next door…

I didn’t like my virginity loss circumstances either. It is what it is.

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15, waited 3 months with the guy was quite in love … he was 17, with long hair, in a graveyard, but not on anyone’s actual grave

lol yes. :grinning:

I made my old boyfriend wait three years XD. He was loyal true and true and waited for me to give the word, Honestly, it was one of the best nights of my life. It was both of our first times.

I was 17.

14 and it was likely because i defended her in a fist fight with my 21 year old brother

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That’s a bit more challenging than you think. I find it hard to meet people and I don’t want to just do it to get it over with…I want a special moment between someone…

I’ve just never felt that special spark that says I want to sleep with that person. Came close but am glad I didn’t give it to him, turned out to be a huge jerk…

Not sure

I kinda lost it when I was 5

Then I kinda lost it again when I was 19

Since it was only “kinda” I should find the average making it 12 years old

But I def lost it when I was 23

I was 17, big mistake

Thanks everybody