Where you do not forgive?
I let go of things the best I can because that’s what’s healthy for me but I don’t forget what’s been done to me.
noting really bad happened in my life
so I forgive mostly
When someone repeatedly beats and rapes you. I understand he’s still alive. It will not be good for his health if he finds himself in the same room with me.
some really bad things happened to me, starting when I was a little girl, things I can’t forgive. but you have to put it down and move on for your own sanity.
he will be in hell forever
because I know hell is real
hell is real
I swear
I know karma and pushiment is real
no sin is missed
If I tell someone I forgive them and they don’t acknowledge what they did that makes me angrier than what they actually did.
Like I told my stepdad I forgave him for molesting me and he was like “oh that never happened”. That’s what pissed me off.
some tins are unforgiveable imo
I wish God peace for withness all
You really don’t realize how offensive saying this is to many victims of child abuse, do you?
I honestly don’t can you explain it to us?
I forgive easily.
I said the person who did this will suffer in hell forever
Pixel is saying that is offensive so don’t say it anymore.
There is no hell,
There is no karma.
I know there is a hell
I was there
Its my view
I forgive, but I don’t forget.
There’s a scandianvian saying: “burnt child shies away from fire”.
Sure, I’ll heal from a bad experience. But I’ll be more cautious in similar circumstances next time.
forgiving is to set u free
and leaving it up to a higher power
in the process
I don’t forgive easily. Because forgiveness is bull and just let’s the perpetrator know they can get away with abusing you.
Little stuff and accidents, yes.
I take it easy. I am not perfect myself, so I forgive and forget and move on in my skitzolife.
Forgiveness is for you not them.
It tells abusers they can keep on do8ng what they do to me. No thanks. And it doesn’t soothe me to forgive a nasty person.