I feel like I am dumber than normies, ppl who have no mental illness.
If you want the truth, I have multiple times found articles stating that schizophrenics, on average, have lower IQ than control groups.
I don’t think that you are dumb though Aziz.
I would suspect ,that most of the people on this forum are among the “higher functioning” of schizophrenics though and may not be among those with lower IQ’s. It’s just on average. It doesn’t mean some of us aren’t smart.
Arrogant brag: I’m not, and I have the neuropsych test results/scores to prove it.
I mean its not just tests, what about emotional IQ?
The tests cover all types of intelligence.
I honestly have no idea Aziz. I don’t recall seeing any studies related to that.
What do they ask about emotions? When I did an IQ test by a neuropsych in the hospital there was no questions about real life or emotions.
He did a history and we had discussions about various topics. He will give me his overall impressions in 2 weeks. He told me it’s not just what I’m answering but how.
Plus, I’ve done years of hard work in therapy and 12 step rooms, so yes, I consider myself highly emotionally intelligent. I guess that’s subjective. Again, I will see what he says with my comprehensive review.
My brother and i are a lot similar. But he didn’t end up with the schizophrenia and I did. He’s 4 years younger than me and super intelligent/he’s never bragged about it I Just know. I’ve found some of his old tests before. I think he’s also a bit more adaptable to stress. although I have been through some severe stress…and wouldn’t wish that on him.
We are different in a certain way: during one of my episodes I told him that things appeared on the mirror instead of questioning the reality of what happened- he instinctively wiped whatever was on the mirror off…to me thats a sign of instinctive awareness that I lack in some ways.
I always question things I want to see the dark brutal nature of existence…and i wish I was stronger, not necessarily that I knew everything but knew how to react to it. Reaction is a part of intelligence.
How we cope and deal with stress.
I guess we had different IQ tests then.
That’s interesting. They didn’t ask about education? When you began to read? Comment on your problem solving style?
Yea I can’t deal with stress like work.
for me the challenge right now with work is mobility and physical stress. most jobs around here are fast food or warehouses. a lot of people having trouble hiring too.
I think if i continued the medication and had a low stress job i might be able to do it.
I was extremely intelligent, my brother considers me intelligent now, but during my college years I did very poorly because I was displaying multiple symptoms of my MI.
I have a feeling that most of us are intelligent on this forum.
The meds have significantly dulled my thinking though.
I don’t consider myself dumb. But I think that I was more intelligent prior to the onset of sz.
They made tests using a computer, then asked me math questions and there was a thing that looked like a puzzle, its for problem solving, also they said one word and I had to name related words or they asked me how these two words are related, etc
Yeah. I did a bunch of that, too, but we dove into some other things, too. Did you do the blocks and the pattern recognition?
Edit: I also had to explain lots of “learned” concepts, and we did some stuff with stories.
I made straight A’s in college. I started out with a 3.7 GPA but was expelled because a student tried to sell me lsd on a piece of candy and I confessed to the campus police so they kicked me out. Campus police came to my dorm and asked me for the candy…it seems the more I tried in college the worse my grades got over time…like my intelligence has gotten worse not better over time. I took the SAT when I was thirteen and could’ve gone to college then before I had schizophrenia and went to boarding school.
I couldn’t even solve one part of their puzzle. I was just lost, I think I got 0pts in that problem solving part. Its weird since I can easily build and repair computers.