Are we experiencing a sixth mass extinction?

This woman offers some compelling evidence that is exactly what is happening in our present time.


I wish the ‘global system’ would take better care of the planet. I’m convinced that if we keep on going on the current path, we’ll run into serious problems at some point.

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It would help if people were a bit nicer overall.


I’m not overly concerned about the planet, although I don’t doubt we are headed for environmental catastrophe. I share the same ethos as everybody else in the world that only my life matters, forget the planet.

Obviously not true; plenty of people care about other people and other things besides themselves and their own lives.


I guess the planet will be just fine then with all these considerate people around. What’s the problem?

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I agree with @77nick77. Lots of people care about the earth and future generations on this earth. We just need more people like that to help keep climate change under control as much as possible for the sake of future humans.

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Ummm, too many people like that. But some people care.


I think if there is any threat to us, it is ourselves. The next ice age is not due for something like 60,000 years. Of course, there are other things that could wipe out 90% of the life on the planet, which is what has happened in the past

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I don’t really care about future generations of the planet. My money’s not on us surviving long term. My bet is that once I die I’m waiting for the ultimate phenomena of creation to be reset and begin anew. The planet can go at any time.

The only thing that will save us, is United government regulations to control the output of pollution. The phasing in of electric cars, solar and wind, and a million other little tweaks we could do, will save the planet. Goodwill might get the ball rolling, but it accomplishes nothing on its own

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It’s difficult when some world leaders and some people in power still don’t even believe global warming is a real thing. When concrete evidence exists that the polar caps are melting at an accelerated rate and the planet is getting warmer. This year was the hottest year on record.


I think we will be long gone before we see that much of a climate shift. I got what like 67 years till I’m 100 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I more wonder if consciousness will change by then with the advancements in ai.

I know, it’s so frustrating. They have been measuring the temperature from thousands of data points around the globe, including uninhabited areas since the 1980s. This is meshed together with 40 years worth of weather satellite data. The conclusion is inescapable, we’re in deep s***.

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Given that there has been 5 mass extinction events before this it seems like a 6th mass extinction would happen anyways. It’s unfortunate that this 6th time we are the probable cause, but even if it wasn’t us, it would probably happen anyways at some point based on the established pattern that has already occurred.

That being said I am on an optimist. I don’t think it is too late to save the planet and make it healthy and habitable, at least until there is another natural mass extinction event.

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IDK, this global warming is accelerating. Just a three or four inch rise in the sea level could spell trouble for some coastal areas around the world.

Incidentally, my teacher posted an article a couple weeks ago about Californias old growth sequoias and Redwood trees. Due to unusually hot and dry weather which made this one of the worst fire seasons here on record, 500-1000 year old trees were burned up. Before this year, nobody would have believed it could happen. Californias burning; we lost a million Joshua trees, we may grow some new ones but the enviroment will never be the same. Global warming.

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The number of species contract during mass extinction and then they expand again as new species emerge through diversification of ecosystems. It’s a process that takes millions of years. Humans will likely be wiped out in a shorter time frame. Life on Earth will probably survive millions more years, and Human damage will only be temporary.

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But the point is, we still want to be alive and kicking thousands of years from now. I know you don’t care about future generations but if the human race starts to die out as you say, it’s not going to be a quiet, easy passing. It’s going to involve plenty of suffering and death and destruction. Human damage is presently changing the face of the planet.

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It’s an inevitable thing, just like our own individual deaths. Humans have had countless generations already, when is it going to be enough given that it can’t be unlimited?

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Who knows? I don’t think we should give up though. We should still plan for the future. I mean an asteroid could wipe us out tomorrow or we could live thousands of more years. No one really knows.

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