Are being afraid of the police a schizophrenic symptom?

I get really nervous around cops.
It’s more of a paranoid feeling.
I really don’t know why I get paranoid when there’s a cop car by me as I’ve always been a law abiding citizen.

Is being paranoid of the police linked to schizophrenia?

I’m currently diagnosed with bipolar but I’m pretty sure that I also have some schizophrenic symptoms as well.


A lot of people are scared of cops, for good reason.

I have no love lost for the US justice system or the cops here. There are some good ones, but due to many events, fear is not a symptom of anything except a reaction to general behavior.

Edit to add- I don’t hate all police. I have a great relationship with our town’s cops. They are good guys.


Yeah there are good reasons, like the severely mentally ill being their targets.

Maybe it’s just that

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Yeah, their actions have really impacted how people feel.

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I think a lot of people are afraid of cops, especially people of color, as racism is still a big problem.

I think people with Sz/SzA/BP may be extra paranoid, sometimes, though. Paranoia is a big problem for a lot of us. For a while, I thought that law enforcement was watching me through cameras, trying to frame me for crimes I didn’t commit. But I don’t have that paranoia/delusion anymore.

I guess I’m just trying to say that part of it could be a common, mild fear of the police, and part of it might be paranoia and/or delusions.


I have a lot of trouble with the issue you see people make me nervous in general an authoritating figures often make me worried because I wouldn’t want the job myself you see my brother is a police officer he’s retired now served over 30 years in the line of duty but it’s other policeman that make me most nervous there are good people and there are bad people and you have to judge them by their actions most officers I’ve met have suffered from PSD and this makes me really really nervous just remember they are there to help you not harm you and they don’t want to be friends with you because of their duties thank you for your time

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Yesss… exactly
Thanks @Blossom!

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I’m aware of what the good ones are there for. I actually went through basic law enforcement training in 1996. Was sponsored by the Sheriff’s Department.

My feelings changed over the years. I’ve had goodand bad experiences. It all depends on the cop in question.

I’m just saying theirgeneral behavior toward people with mental illness leaves a lot to be desired and doesn’t inspire confidence.


I too am fully aware that there are good cops out there, my cousin is one of them.
Not all cops are corrupt or “bad”

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My uncle was severely paranoid of cops and hated them. He’d call them and write letters to them. Not sure what he’d say or write to them…

Anyways, it led to him being put in the state hospital because of it. He was SZ.

I on the other hand am not paranoid of cops.
possibly because I’m female and white? Idk.

But I’ve never had a bad run in with the cops really- they almost put me in jail for the night once when I was off my meds… instead of just taking me to a behavioral health unit or something🙄

Sorry, I’m rambling lol



I get nervous when a cop follows my car for more than a few minutes.


I’m not afraid of cops. I like good cops. Don’t like bad ones.

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Honestly like @Blossom mentioned I feel that I’m more paranoid than anything else.
Although like @anon4362788 mentioned there are also good reasons to fear the cops.

It’s a bit of both for me.


I think so and the opposite could also be true. Not being afraid of the cops and laws could be a symptom.

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I am not scared of police, I actually wear a medic alert pendant in case I ever need to approach the police while symptomatic.

I am, however, deeply scared of their guns, because I have a delusion about snipers outside my house.


I found the police to be really helpful here in England. Trained in de-escalation. I never had a problem with them. They don’t carry guns and really understand MH, they are trained in it and almost 30% of their calls are MH related.


I had an AA sponsor who once told me that when you’re living on the street and trying to sue the cops it is so scary. You start to see cops everywhere, and you think that they are following you. I could just see myself dirty and grimy, living on the street, and dealing with a bad case of the shakes, and panicking every time a cop drove by. I don’t need that. It has been almost six years since I last drank.

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I drive a little more carefully when I see a cop car when I’m on the road. Other than that I don’t think about them. If I needed one for some reason I wouldn’t hesitate to call them. About my only incident with them is about three years ago when I knocked on my neighbors door to ask her to stop bugging me. She thought I threatened her (which I didn’t) and called the cops on me and four cops came to my door and asked me to step outside so they could talk to me.

They talked to me and asked me some questions and told me to not bother the neighbor lady (whom I’m friends with now). I wasn’t paranoid or scared when me and the cops were talking but a couple years later I wondered if I came close to being arrested.

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If you’ve been to jail at all, then yeah, chances are your paranoia is going to associate with the police. Both my brother and I have been to jail before, and he especially is worried about them coming to take him away (he’s more recently sz than me and the cops are his number 1 worry). I’m not worried about cops cuz I know I’m better now, and I have white privilege so as long as I don’t act strange or break traffic laws I won’t ever really draw their attention again.

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