My logical fear of some police officers

I have a diagnosis of Bipolar 1 Disorder.

I just don’t want to be stopped by police, FBI or DEA, just to do a test to make sure I am not taking any illegal drugs, even though I don’t do that, and another abusing any drugs is very common in people with Bipolar Disorder.

That is why I am worried about those types of law enforcement that don’t know how to deal with people like me, or people who did illegal drugs that induced Bipolar Disorder on them.

War on drugs made me scared to ask for help, and if I am taking illegal drugs, what is the big deal? I am just trying to cope with Bipolar 1 Disorder.

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Discussion of doing drugs is not allowed here unless you are seeking help in quitting.

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I am not doing drugs though, but I look kind of high when I am severely manic, it is just a biological chemical imbalance in the brain.


That is what makes me more worried.


Rhe way you phrased it makes you sound as if you meant you were.


Oh no! I did not mean to incriminate myself like that. I am just trying to be honest about my mental health. I am sorry!

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I am sorry for making you confused,

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Why do you fear the police? Are you doing something illegal or being violent now?

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Not any of that. I just kind of look like I am high, even though it is just a severe manic episode, but it is not caused by drugs, it’s biological.

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Nothing wrong in you fearing the police. Even though you haven’t done owt wrong.
It’s part of being bipolar, same as schizophrenic, we fear for no reason sometimes.
Take good care

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Police will never punish you just for that. Worst they can do is testing you for intoxication. It happened to me when I tried to kill myself in an intentional car accident.

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It is just war on drugs thing makes me have PTSD traits.

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I have a total fear of police as well although I’m not bipolar and was never a druggie or alkie.

My issue is from being targeted by the police all my life mostly for traffic violations like speeding, failing to stop, etc…

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That makes sense.

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I had an AA sponsor who said it is the scariest thing in the world to be living on the street and trying to bring charges against the police. They follow you everywhere, and even if they aren’t you think they are. The police are very practiced in matters like this. It would be a simple matter for them to give a crackhead an eight ball to kill you. It’s a good idea to have a healthy fear of the police. If they pick you up don’t start a fight with them. Don’t resist arrest. That just gives them an excuse to clean your clock. If something really bad happens go to legal aid and see if they will help. See if some reporter is interested in writing about your case. Just don’t swing on the police. That’s all the excuse they need to clean your clock.

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It depends on the policeman. It depends on the town. In some places they don’t need much provocation to slap you down. One time I was walking by the police, and one of them said, “Hey, George”. I turned and yelled, “Tom! My name is Tom!” They sprayed me with pepper spray, handcuffed me, slammed me face first on the ground, and put their knees on the back of my head and ground my face into the dirt after I had been pepper sprayed. It hurt like hell.


Some people fear that I could have been killed by police talking to me. Don’t worry, it is not that bad.

It’s just some people say never call this police, just because they think that is common for people with Bipolar and Related Disorders to be killed by police, but I have much better social skills, as a backup to protect myself against deadly force and teach untrained police officers of how to communicate appropriately to people like me, with history of my mental health crisis.

I can even do a poker face and then explain why I am having a mental health crisis related to Bipolar Disorder, but without showing emotions, because it can scare the police officer. And I also mask my symptoms of abnormal and intense restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, so the police officer would not think that I am suspicious.

When the police officer was talking too loud without meaning to, I calmly explained that I have sensory overload because of him talking too loud, so he apologized and tried his best to talk quietly. Sometimes he talked too loud, but he reminded himself to be more quiet. I was not even killed for showing some symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Bipolar 1 Disorder, all I need to do is use my social skills as a tool to communicate appropriately and do what the police tell you what to do, and you just follow their instructions. That is why my interaction with the police is actually not that bad.

I already made the same post about how I use my social skills to mask and show my symptoms of milder form of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Bipolar Disorder to the police, only if I think it is safe so.

I like to deal with the police, because learning psychology is part of my restricted interest. I sometimes study them as if I am a psychologist and learn what to do and not to do when talking to police officers.

I fear the cops cause in my world cops means hospital

i guess im lucky its not jail

but i panic if i see them even driving by them

My mom has a good relationship with the cops in my new town cause she had to call them so many times when we first moved here as i was very ill with lots of episodes resulting in hospitalization

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I’ve called the cops a couple times. Once I was worried that someone had tampered with my meds. They arrived with their guns out. Another time I wanted them to check my house for speakers and they just said they don’t have the equipment for that.

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