Appreciation for Aesop

Midnight - Even tho the broken back gate stands open, and even tho Aesop knows it, he does not run away. I paused at the glass door to consider. What if Aesop did try to escape? As he didn’t respond right away when I jiggled the latch, I feared for a moment that he’d gone thru the gate. But no, he hadn’t escaped. He was doing his business in the grass. And then I knew I wouldn’t want to be without him. That I was lucky to have him. I learned to appreciate the “blue heeler from hell” whose devotion was not only assured but also rare. I have a friend.


that’s really sweet

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I have sir john tiniel’s signature tattooed on my wrist. He illustrated Aesop’s fables in the 19th century.

I introduced my mother to Aesop’s fables recently. She loves them.


@anon84763962 Didn’t you used to post daily Aesops Fables threads on the forum for a while?


@Borath’s fable of Aesop and the Broken Garden Gate teaches you that true friends will never desert you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yea I certainly did! Good memory!


Someone changed the subject to Creativity. I thought I posted as DX’d-other?

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I moved your post to Creativity because it was so beautifully written. :slightly_smiling_face:

I can move it back if you prefer – let me know.

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No, that’s great. Thanks for the compliment!

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I remember too!!

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Thats cool.(but please fix gate anyway to emsure safety)

probably nothing but a couple of nuts, bolt or screws.

Other animals might come in the broken gate too. That is how I ended up with 2 dogs back then.

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