The Boys and the Frogs
Some mischievous boys were playing at the edge of a pond, and, catching sight of some frogs swimming about in the shallow water, they began to amuse themselves by pelting them with stones, and they killed several of them. At last one of the frogs put his head out of the water and said, “Oh stop! Stop! I beg of you. What is sport to you is death to us.”
One man’s pleasure is another man’s pain.
I may have asked you something similar to this turtle but how long have you been doing these Aesop fables??? They’re really cool. Is it a brand new thing, or did you start them when I was gone for a while??
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I started doin them while you were away, but not too long before I went away.
I went and bought a nice copy of the fables and got home and realised I already had a copy of them. I started reading them and thought it would be a good way for me to absorb the stories if I typed them out and I thought sharing them here would be a good way to do that. I started doing the hopeful quote of the day in January, and started Aesop’s Fables in April. I tested it first, to see if people would be interested, and everyone who responded, responded positively to it so I continued it on.
It’s hardest to type them on mornings when I have work because it’s very time consuming to actually type them out, but if people enjoy them, I really don’t mind.
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You’re doing a great job @anon84763962!!! The new bride!!! I’m happy for you!!! I hope you find peace and tranquility for the rest of your life!!!
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Thanks JJ! That’s really kind of you xoxo