AP induced diabetes

I had no blood sugar problems before taking APs. I have no family history of diabetes. Since starting APs I’ve had high blood sugar. I went on a strict diet and lost 30 pounds and my blood sugar increased after that significant weight loss. Today I got my A1C back and I’m in the diabetes range. I know this is caused by APs. Does anyone know of an AP that doesn’t cause diabetes?

I am on fluphenazine and no blood sugar problems…it’s an older med. I love it…no side effects whatsoever…I don’t know how it would work if you have voices…I don’t have voices…

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I take Geodon and Latuda and I don’t have any blood sugar problems.

The Geodon controls my hallucinations for the most part. I am sure the Latuda helps but I mostly take that for negatives.

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I remember a couple months ago you said you didn’t like fluphenazine when you convinced me to get a med change and they prescribed me fluphenazine, I also had luck with Haldol and Risperdal that didn’t mess with my blood sugar, and hardly touched my weight. Congrats on losing 30lbs!

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Abilify raised my blood sugar. I just take metformin now to keep it in check. My blood sugar is back in normal ranges now.

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My pdoc says latuda is less likely to raise blood sugar. This is one of the reasons she wants me on it. But it’s expensive. Perhaps if your doctor could get you samples or you get one of those cards to get it for 25.00.

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The quickest way to reduce your blood sugar levels is to reduce your fat intake to zero. The levels will drop substantially in a few days, as the fat deposits blocking glucose uptake in your muscles get metabolized, and allow the blood glucose to be used up quickly in the muscles, where they belong. If there is high intramyocellular lipids (intramuscular fat,) insulin resistance goes up.

You can literally reverse diabetes with this phenomenon; it’s the basis for the book by Dr. McDougall, “The Starch Solution”.

Most people don’t know about this phenomenon, and think that the best way to lower blood sugar is to lower dietary sugar. This is an uphill battle, as most of the best-tasting foods have high carbohydrate content.

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Haldol was good for me too. But they kept not being able to fill my prescriptions. I asked to switch because I was scared to go without meds at all. The APs don’t make the men go away but they do help with other things.

I’ve been on 500 mg of extended release Metformin for 2 months now and my blood sugar went up anyway. I was in the prediabetes range before. How much Metformin do you take?

I take 1500mg / day.

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I’ve read McDougall’s book. It’s possible he’s right. I’ll look into it more. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Ok. So I can go up in dosage. Thanks for letting me know.

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I’m on Invega and Abilify. I have low bloodsugar from my pain pills we think. It drops to around 50 a lot.

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Probably the best thing to do.

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Wow. That’s low. I hope you get it figured out. You must feel dizzy and faint and shaky a lot

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Yep. If I don’t eat I get wonky.

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I’m on 3mg of risperidone per day. Since february this year I’m diabetic. I can’t go for two hours without food. Most of the time I eat every one to one an a half hours. I eat carbs at every meal. I know better but fail if I attemp to change my nutrition.

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I’m on perphenazine and it increases my blood sugar levels slightly, but not terribly. But I’ve only been on it for a year. But in that year I’ve lost almost 40lbs and my A1C went from 4.6 to 5.3, and I also consume zero added sugar and very few carbs now, vs as many sweets and carbs as I wanted last year. 🤷

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I suffer with AP induced diabetes but I consume lots of carbs too.
I’m on 2000mg of Metformin but I need to walk some more.
Exercise lowers blood glucose levels.

Abilify is a good med to be on if you are concerned about high blood sugar levels.

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I’m in the same boat @LED. I lost weight and A1C went up. I’m so frustrated

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