Anyone over the age of 65 here?
i turned 40 in december… so not older than 65 =p
I’m 36.
So got a few more years to 65.
I’m 53, about to turn 54
Do many schizophrenics live past 65?
i’m not sure… it’s good question though
I think there is members here over 75y.o.
Really I didnt know that
If you eat healthily, exercise and don’t smoke then you are likelier to live past the average death rate of 61 for szs.
Yea there is @PinCushion and another guy who’s older. I think chordy is 76-77y.o.
I m not that old
But what is the relation between being schizophrenic and living past 65
@Jayster I think it is…
I’m 67 and still going strong. Plan on living another 33 years.
I’m 61. I eat semi healthy, I exercise and I haven’t smoked in many years. And I’m at a good weight. I should live a normal life span. At least as long as my mother. She lived to almost 80.
I’m 62 not not planning on dying anytime soon.
Hope you have a long life blue
Thanks steffifan.
U r welcome
Good day
Awesome attitude. My grandfather lived to 103 years old.
Im 26, hoping to make it to at least 85.