Anyone online for chat. Feel bored and lonely. Lost in my life.
Hello, what you are up to ? Where you from?
Hey what’s up? I just watched an episode of a show with a family member and now I’m getting ready to finish the last few achievements on this video game I’ve been working on, Dead Rising 2.
I’m from U.K. just lying on my bed. What are you up to?
Where are you? What time is it there?
I’m in California, it’s 9 PM exactly.
I just came back from visiting my home in Virginia. It’s 3 hours later there and I stayed for a week. I lived there for 35 and a half years, just moved to California last October.
Its 12 pm here. Been up since 11 am. I am in western Australia. I want to go to friends place making a cheesecake. We are planning it for a month or so.
Cool I’ve never been to America. I’d like to go to San Fransisco.
I also want to come to Australia. I’d like to travel round Australia. Cheesecake is good.
Its a common goal to travel around Australia.
Yeah we live very close to San Francisco. I’ve visited it a few times but then the pandemic hit and now we never go into San Francisco. I used to go to bars there, a friend has been hired for gigs and I usually come and hang out while they play.
What is it like living in the UK? I wish our country had health care like yours does. I really like toffee, is it pretty common out there? How common are people with American accents?
I remember the detective show on tv. The streets of san Francisco.
Living in the UK is good. Good scenery. Mixture of cities and country. Yeah National Health Service is good and free for everyone. I’ve tried toffee but don’t regularly eat it.
When you got diagnosed sz? I got diagnosed in 1988 with 19 years of age.
I had my first psychosis at 26 nine years ago. I’ve had psychosis five times and was diagnosed the 4th time like three years ago.
Only heard people with American accent a few times.
Did you moved a lot around the uk?
No not really. Lived in the same place.
I moved a lot and i am a stranger. Only for the past 10 years i live in the same spot. I notice the positives of being a known local in the time i live here.
Must be interesting to move a lot.