Anyone on ability who take TMG (similar to sarcosine)?

Hi, I’m on 10mg of aripriprazole and have been really suffering from mental fog and negative symptoms. I came across this forum and saw how sarcosine helps, but that’s not available here.
Tmg is.

However, I’m always vary on supplementing anything.

Any pointers to keep in mind?
From what I read on this forum, I should only take it when I need the extra kick and stay in 500-1000mg range


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try atomoxetine 10mg/day in the gave me motivation and improved my attention and memory.also lurasidone have pro cognitive properties maybe switching to it help you.

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Welcome to the forum. Sarcosine is one of the supplements I tried for awhile but I never noticed a change in my symptoms. I think different supplements work for different people just like we all respond differently to different medications. Good luck trying it.

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Just to update; I tried it four times. I feel nothing great. On the contrary I get a headache and the day after I feel my thinking gets worsened

@everhopeful I guess my experience matches yours.
Do you get mental clarity from l-theanine?
I have been really looking around the webs for what I can do to increase my cognition speed again (even went in a deep methylation rabbithole but came out more confused)

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A little bit. It mostly helps with anxiety and sleep :sleeping:

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This happened when I tried it too, even at 1000mg daily.

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A little bit…going to keep low expectations then.

What time and dose do you use? (IIRC you mentioned 200mg somewhere, but I’m not sure of the time. I already sleep well so I wonder I should take it in the mornings)

I take 300mg on waking and 450mg when I go to sleep.

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